New experience

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Hey guys :)

My exams are going to start so I might be a little slow on the update business..

sorry ,


love you all xoxo


I could not believe my ears. "wait can you repeat?" "I slept with Eric" Emily looked down as she repeated. "Emily, come in and sit down" She sat down on the bed looking down at her hands. "Emily, tell me how it happened" "I was drunk. It's a blurr" "Do you still have feelings for him?" My phone rang "1 minute" I ran towards my phone. It was a call from the network company. Not important. I cut the phone. "I was dancing with Camaron. He is a senior. He then took me to the back of the block and started kissing me forcefully, I tried stopping him but he was too strong and I was too drunk. He started feeling me. I tried my best to push him away but he was just so strong" Emily said with tears in her eyes and still looking down. " suddenly someone pulled camaron from his back. He started punching Camaron. It was Eric. Camaron fell down. Eric told him to stay away from me. Then Camaron got up, I thought he was going to hurt Eric but instead he walked away. Eric put his jacket around my shoulders and then i think I fainted. I woke up in Eric's room. Eric was lying right next to me staring at me. I kissed him and then neither him nor me could control ourselves." there was an awkward silence for quite some time. "He loves you, he really does" I said. "But i can not trust him." I stayed quite I did not know what to say. Somehow, I always never know what to say. I have like a million thoughts in my mind but what I say is barely even 1/4th of it. "From what i saw, I think that he's really very guilty. When he asked you to dance i saw how scared he was and there are very few guys who do what Eric did last night. He fought for you. He really loves you Emily." Emily walked up to me and hugged me " I think i have feelings for him!" She said. I could see her blush. I was so happy for her! " Grab your knife! We have a bitch to cut AKA camaron" Emily laughed. She hugged me once again. "Okay now stop getting so emotional because you need to show me around scotland. It's saturday!" "I forgot to tell you something!" "what?" "My mom sent me One Direction tickets for tomorrow!" " ARE YOU SERIOUS?" "YESSSS" "but the tickets are so expensive!" "One direction sent it to her as she is the sheriff of this town and she helped them find a good place to stay in! and guess what!? We got VIP passes and front row tickets!" "THAT IS SO AWESOME! I'm so excited EMily" I hugged her " THANK YOU THANk YOU THANK YOU!" "chill girl!" "When are we leaving for london?" "Today


There was a very huge line in front of us. I couldn't wait to get in and see those five idiots I fell in love with. Especially Harry. I loved all of them, but I always had this special place for Harry. Probably because he was the biggest idiot among the five. That's when a girl came up to us and asked ," do you need Some ice cream? There's a shop right outside the gates, I could get you guys some" she wore a very bright green infinity scarf. "Yess please. We would love an ice cream" said Emily. We started talking to the girls friend. There name were Haley and spencer. They were twins. We talked to Haley most of the time we were in the line. We had only 5 more people in front of us but spencer hadn't returned yet. " I'll go look for spencer" said Haley. "We'll come with you" I said. "no. Hold our place in the line. We'll be back" " oh okay" we were just about to get in but they still didn't come. I started to worry I told em that we should go look for them but the concert guards didn't let us.

We danced all night. The concert was amazing but I still was worried about Haley and spencer. It was time for us to go backstage and meet the boys now. "Em" "yeah" "I need to pee" "serious?right now? The boys would be coming to meet us!" "I really need to go" "Kay go ask that guard" "okay" "do you want me to come?" "nope. You stay and text me when they come" "okay" Emily said. I went up to one of the guard and asked them where the washroom was. He gave me this complicated directions which i could'nt understand at all. So I thought i would figure it out myself. I mean seriously how hard can it be and if i could find my mom in the grocery store, I could definately find the washroom. I mad my way straight till the passage way got narrower and darker. I finally found a room whose light lighted a part of the passageway. I stepped in. It wasn't the washroom but it was kind of like a lounging room. Maybe for the boys. I shouldn't be here i thought. I turned away but something caught my eye. A green cloth kind of stuff was stuck out of the chest of drawers next to the couch. I think ive seen it before i thought but I just could not remember where. So i walked towards the drawers to open it. "Who are you?" I heard a voice. I froze. I somehow turned and there stood Harry. Harry Styles.


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