Chapter Three-Biology

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Chapter Three

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I was sitting at my desk now in Biology. I was partnerless at this lab table of mine, intill today that is.

Looking at the drawings of my past I felt as though I might cry. Nikky helped me with this drawing. It was of us, sitting by the fireplace. I was kissing his forehead and he had his hand on my face, looking at me, smiling. Nikky had passed of cancer when he was 7, two weeks before our wedding.

I was thrown from my memories by a delicious scent. I looked up and there he was. Edward.

He stooded in front of the fan at the front of the room, asking Mr.Perez (the biology teacher) if he was late. "Yes, Mr.Cullen. Class started at least 5 minutes ago. *exhale/sigh* Why don't you introduce your self?"

Edward nodded. "My name is Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. Both my parents died from Spanish Influenza, almost taking me as well." I stifled the urge to casp. He continued, "The doctor, Carlisle Cullen, took me in along with my other adopted brothers and sisters." He nodded once, and Mr. Perez pointed to his seat; the one at my table.

Edward sat at the very end of his chair, me doing the same. Except not on the edge of his chair. On the edge of mine...

He smelled so appalingly luscious, and he was to 'pretty'. I HATED pretty people. They were always stuck up and big headed. I looked over to what he was doing. He had a music sheet and was writing notes in an unfamilliar pattern. Was he REALLY writing music in CLASS. *Hiss*! That's my job.

I went back to my Notebook Of Life, drawing my favorite stars. I had picked out 3 particullar stars that I saw from the top of my house. They were only seen on different days, one day a year. I named them, Fang, Slitherin, and Nikky. 2 after snakes, 1 after fiance. I shuddered, blowing of th thought of my should have been husband.

I finished the stars and drew the seanery, then added me, running throught the night as my "True Form". The notebook was swept from underneith my hands, giving me the urge to hiss. I looked up, feeling menassing, to see Mr.Perez. "Well, what do we have here?" He asked looking through the entire notebook.

I tried to grab it back, feeling the tears over flow. I clenched my teeth. "GIVE mE mY nOtEbOoK!!" I screamed and shouted at his. What if he ripped the pages?!?! I flinched at the very thought. My eyes opened in fear. Mr.Perez, had walked over to the overhead.

"Since this is so important, why don't we show the class." He said, narrowing his eyebrows, flashing a grin. That MONSTER. He turned to the first page. I remembered this drawing. I drew it when I was 5. It was quite beautiful.

Violet and I were on our swings, smiling. Her swing went back, mine went forwards. We had our feet in the air, smiling, giggling. This was the day we had gone to the park. She was 7 in this picture; 2 years older than I. Fluffy, 'my snake self' as I like to call him, was on my shoulders, having as much fun as we were. Mr.Perez truned the page.

It was Pink and Nikky, sitting in the grass below my favorite tree. Rico and Violet had been busy that day, leaving me, 8 year old Belle, to look after them; 2 year old Nikky, and 7 year old Pink. Fluffy was on his favorite branch, me on mine. Fluffy protacted us that day. We don't know from what, but he was our feirce protecter. We all smiled lovingly, looking at one another. Another page turn.

Nikkalous playing the piano. He was playing the song he had written for me. I cried harder when I saw that picture. He was 6. I sat on the piano, looking into his eyes, smiling adoringly. I was 12. I sobbed loudly, feeling a horrible slash through my heart. Everybody gave me an outraged glance, like they hated me for inturrupting the pretty picture. Around 20 pages Mr. Perez had turned at one time.

It was of me and Nikky's wedding that would never come. I sobbed harder now. Next.

Nikky's funeral. I felt a horrible slash through my brain, my heart, my arms, my legs. I wanted to die. Niky's death hurt me badly, causeing me suicidal thoughts often. I couldn't live without him, but If I killed myself, I would have to.

Everybody shot me confused glances. I stood up and explained.

"Nikkalous was my little brother; the boy in those pictures." They nodded. "We were to intermarry, I loved him with all my heart. We didn't need a romantic relationship, just each others prescence; forever. I had picked out the most beautiful dress; it complamented my skin, my hair, my soul..." They looked pained or grossed out, some touched.

"He would have loved to see it. I wanted to show the dress to him the moment I got it; but my sister, Pink, had refused this request. I wanted to rip her head off at that very moment. Or I should say 'moments'; I had demanded he see it, thousands of times. Nikky died before he could see it. Just 14 days before we were to be wed." I took another deep breath, sobbing as I continued. "Without Pinks permission, I wore the dress to his funeral. She cryed when she saw me in it, silent tears moving down her cheeks, not a single sound escaping her throught. Violet had burst out into horrible sobs. I yurned to comfort her, she was usually so happy, or calm..."

The guys looked like they yurned to, the girls sobbing as well as me. Trying not to cry, yet again, as well as me. Edward looked like he would have burst out crying if he could; but immortals usually don't have tears. I'm just a tad human. I'm possitive that he's not. But what is he...?

Mr. Perez handed me my notebook as I sat down. The movement of his arm and the notebook swirled Edward's scent towards me; we both flinched, Edward and I. Why would he flinch? He's not the one that wanted to jump up in front of all these kids and EAT another person!!

Class resumed as the last 10 minutes ticked by. "DIIING!" Sang the bell, causing me to litterally RUN out the door, not even asking what we had for homework. I needed to run home to talk to Violet. Maybe she could help me out with the whole, 'delisious boy' or maybe 'suicide misions' or maybe even my chocolate "issue". It was not an ISSUE. I loved chocolate. It made me feel better...

I ran through the forrest as soon as I was away from town. I 'phased' you could call it, jumping through the trees like a cat. Or should I say snake? Or perhaps Princess would work better. Heh, heh.

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