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"My...Family was murdered, my home burned to ash...And I myself was subjected to humiliations unfair for even a beast. I was a powerless...Child. Thus, I returned to Phantomhive, so that I might inflict the same humiliation upon those who made me and mine suffer. If Phantomhive was an obstacle to those who dispatched it's previous head three years ago, they will eventually target me again id I stay on as Earl. I'm waiting...For them to come here and make an attempt on my life."

"Why...Would you go that far...?"

"Despairing, grieving, standing still, what good will they do? Even the dead can stand still. But here I am...Alive and standing on my own two feet, with my own strength. If I'm going to die at some point anyway, I'd rather do so without regrets. I won't make any lofty claims about trying to avenge the previous head. I'm simply doing this for my own diversion. Them or me, Earl Phantomhive. This is all just a game to see who wins. Even if I'm made to stand on the edge of despair in a hellish place...I won't give up. I'll grab the spiders thread if it'll help me crawl up out of there. We humans possess that kind of strength. To grab that thread or not, however...It's your own decisoin, and yours alone."
-Black Butler

"I must kill Shizuka! Yuki, let's go!"

"You haven't told me...What you're planning to do...After you've killed her. When everything's finished...Do you want to die too?!"

"Yes. You already know...My decision. Yes. That's why...What you're doing is unessessary. Yuki...Why?! You don't...Need to care for me so much! I'm really glad nothing happened to you."
-Vampire Knight

Fights arn't decided till the very end.

"People change. Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke you used to know. What the...? What are you doing?"

"You said people change...And here I am."


"But there are also things that don't change...Bonds...I want to see what they're really made of."

How can I sleep at night when there's a war inside my head.

"Luffy, that's a nice stick!"

"Nhahahaha! I think so too, but I can't give it to you. Go find one yourself."

"Oh...Okay...Stick. Stick."
-One Piece

Quotes + Poems And Things That Mean Something To Me. BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now