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Shouto's POV

I've decided that I'm going to ask Izuku to come see my mother after school. I've told my mom all about him and she badly wants to meet him.

Time skip (after school)

"Izuku." I call out to the boy in front of me. "Yeah?" He asks and tilts his head cutely. "Well..would you like to come with me to meet my mother?" His face brightens and he gives me a close eyed smile. "Sure!"

Time skip (again)

We arrive at the hospital and I sign in. Izu seems exited, I'm glad. We go to my mother's room and I open the door. "Hello mom." I say a smile making it's way on my face as I see her. " Hello dea- IS THIS MIDORYA?!" "A-Ah yeah..That's me." Izuku and my mom get along instantly and start rambling on about things together. My smile gets bigger.
We talked for about two hours and then we had to leave. I walk Izu home. "This is me. Thanks Sho!" "My pleasure, Bye Izu!"

I'm always happy with him.

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