Prolouge ~ Life and Death

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"Remember to focus," Madilon says, as I try to light the candle with my mind.

I focus on lighting it but don't think too hard. Number 1 rule of being a witch: don't push yourself too hard. If you do you pass out.

I hear a quiet and soft woosh and open my eyes and smile. "I did it!"

"Good job, Alina!" Madilon exclaims happily. "Now try to unlight it."

I focus on unlighting it making sure not to push myself to hard. It takes a minute or two when the small fire goes away. I smile again.

"Your getting more powerful. Especially for an eight year old," Madilon says. "I should get you home before Mom and Dad get mad at me."

I nod. "Good idea." Our parents hate when I come home late. I have no idea why, they just do. They don't really like Madilon. And she's their own blood and flesh!

I get into the passenger seat while Madilon starts the car and drives down the street. If I had to choose who I'd live with, it'd be Madilon. She's so much fun! She actually let's me do what I want! As long as it's not dangerous. She's much better than my parents. They're way too strict. I can't even get time to myself! They're always making me do something.

The car pulls up in front of our parents house and she parks the car. "See you later, jelly bean."

"Bye," I say and hug her. I get our the car and head up the pathway to the house.

I knock on the door and it opens.

"Hello, Miss," Helga, my maid says. "Your parents are waiting for you."

"Thank you, Helga," I say and step inside the house.

Helga is my favorite maid. She's always been kind to me and has respected me ever since we've known each other. I don't know if that's because I'm only eight or if she just genuinely likes me.

I walk into the living room and see my parents sitting on the couch.

"You're late," Mom says.

"I'm sorry, me and Madilon--"

"Don't try to explain. Just for being late, you have to wash the dishes, clean yours and ours room, and clean the kitchen. No exceptions," she cuts me off.

"But that's going to take all day! And probably all night!" I protest.

"No exceptions," Dad says.

I huff. "I hate this family! I hate you guys! I wish you were never my parents!" I run up the stairs to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I sink to the floor, crying. Why did I have to be born into this family? My parents hate me! They don't even love eachother! They're just married for the money they both have!

There's a soft knock on the door. "Miss? May I come in?" Helga asks gently.

I open the door to let her in. She closes the door behind her and gives me a hug. "Don't listen to them. I'll help you with those stupid chores they're making you do."

I wipe my cheeks. "Thank you, Helga," I sniffle.

She looks around my room. "Your room is already clean! Why are they telling you to clean it?"

"Because their big, fat bums who only care about money," I say and Helga chuckles.

"You're very wise for an eight year old," she says.

I smile. "I get that a lot."

She walks over to my bed and sits down. She picks up my pillow and pulls out a tattered book. "What's this?"

I gulp. Oh no. That's my spell book that Madilon gave me the first week of my lessons. I should have put it somewhere more safer. Is Helga going to show my parents?

She flips through the pages. "Is this a spell book?"

I nod hesitantly and nod as she studies the pages. "Please don't tell my parents! They would kill me if they found out I'm learning Witchcraft!"

She looks up at me and takes my hand, reassuringly. "I won't. I would never betray your trust, Mi--I mean, Alina."

Woah. She's never called me by my first name. Ever.

I nod, a smile plastered on my lips.


"Hi, Madilon!" I say as I get into the passenger seat of her car.

"Hey, Alina! You ready for your lessons?" She asks as I put on my seat belt.

I nod and she starts the car. We drive to her house, listening to Beliver by Imagine Dragons.

"Okay. Lets try this again," she says, giving my shoulders a massage to relax them. "Focus on what you need to do and nothing else."

I focus on lighting the candle once again. I take deeps breaths to relax my mind. I can do thi-- there's banging on the front door.

"Police! Open up!" Someone yells from outside.

I look at Madilon panicked, not knowing what to do.

"Alina, you need to get out of here," she tells me. "Go out through the back and run. Do not look back no matter what happens."

"No. I'm not leaving you!" I protest.

"Alina, you have to. I'll meet you at the park, okay? Trust me."

They start to break down the door. She sighs. "You won't make it. You need to hide! Now."

She opens a small door from underneath the stairs and gently pushes me in. She gives me a kiss on the forehead before closing it. I sit there, in the dark, listening to the commotion outside. The police have finally broke down the door and Madilon is trying to use spells against them.

A few minutes later gun shots go off and I wince. I hear a scream and one last gun shot go off. My heart drops. No. I burst out the door and see Madilon lying on the floor, holding her wound in pain. The police look at me stunned.

"Madilon!" I shout and run to her. I sit on my knees and gently touch her wound, getting blood on my fingers. "No."

"Alina. . ." She says weakly. "Let go." I look at her confused, tears streaming down my face. "Let me go."

I shake my head. "No. I can't loose you."

She doesn't respond. The police try to drag me away but I fight back. "NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!"

"Sorry for this, kid," one says and hits my head with the hilt of his gun, knocking me out.


Hiiii! I'm bck with a new book! :3

I have never written a good chapter or blurb like that ever in my life xd

Hope you guts enjoy this!

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