Chap. 1 ~ Suprise Breakfast

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     ~5 years later~

     I wake up just in time as my alarm goes off. I quickly turn it off so I don't wake anyone near my room that's sleeping. I get out of bed and do my daily morning routine. Brush teeth, get dressed, brush hair, put on a little mascara, apply a little perfume, put on the ring my best friend, Emmaline, gave me, and head down to breakfast. More like head down to make breakfast.

     Today is Helga's birthday! She's turning 20 today. I wanted to celebrate it with her by starting off with a breakfast in bed. I may be tired but I shouldn't be that tired. After I suprise her with breakfast, I'll go to school. After school I'll set up a huge birthday party with all her friends and her family over. Then I'll give her the day off the tomorrow. Sounds pretty planned out to me.

     I head down to the kitchen and see the chef. "Hey, Chef!" I say, smiling.

     "Hey-hey! The queen of the house  has arrived!" He says, giving a small bow.

     I role my eyes playfully. "We better get started. Helga's gonna wake up soon."

     He gathers all the stuff we're going to need while I make the coffee. While that's working, I help Chef gather the stuff we need to make pancakes with. We are also going to make bacon, eggs, and sausage too. It may not be much, but knowing Helga, she's going to love it!

     Once the coffee is done I pour it into a small metal cup. It keeps the coffee hot while we're working on the food. We start off with the sausage and bacon first. He puts two of each in the same pan. It sizzles instantly. Chef flips them over when they are ready to be flipped and does this a couple more times before taking them out and placing them on a plate.

     Next is the pancakes. First we take a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Then we make a well in the center and pour in the milk, eggs, and melted butter and mix it until it's smooth. Then we heat a lightly oiled frying pan over medium high heat and pour the batter onto the frying pan using 1/4 cup for each pancake. Then we make sure all the pancakes are brown on both sides then we're done! That only took us, what? 20, 25 minutes?

     We place those on the plate and cut it up. Being my goofy self, I put on some see through plastic-papery gloves and arrange the small pieces into a smiley face. Perfect!

     I take off the gloves, throwing them in the trash. I place the coffee in the cup holder the tray has and pick up the tray.

     "You got it?" Chef asks. "I wouldn't want you to trip or something and the breakfast be ready."

     "I should be okay," I say, giving him a reassuring smile before heading out the door.

     I carefully carry the tray of food up the stairs and down the hall to Helga's room. I gently knock on the door, considering I have a tray of food I don't want to drop I'm my hands and having to balance it with my right knee as I knock on the door. Helga opens it and gasps, covering her mouth with her hands.

     "Oh, my, goodness!" She exclaims. "Is this for me?"

     I smile. "Happy birthday!"

     "Oh, my, goodness!" She says again.

     "Can I come in? I can't hold the tray much longer."

     Helga let's me in and I place the tray on her bed. "I wanted to do something special for since you've always been there for me."

     "Thank you, Alina," she says and gives me a hug. I can see her eyes getting watery. "This means so much to me."

     I smile and hug her back. "What are friends for?"

     We sit there as she eats talking, laughing, joking around, laughing even more. I look at the time on my phone.

     "I should get going," I say. "The bus will be here soon."

     "Let me walk you there," Helga offers and wipes her hands and mouth with a napkin.

     "Okay," I say and we leave her room.

     I grab my backpack from Bentley, our butler, before we head out the door. "Thank you,  Bentley."

     We walk down the street together. "Helga? Are you ever going to leave?"

     "Hm? Of course not. Why do you ask?"

     "Because Mom is laying off some people this Friday just to get new staff and I'm scared she might fire you," I confess.

     "She won't fire me. . . I hope."

     "Well, if she does, you'll visit, right?" I ask hopefully, looking up at her.

     "Of course! I'll visit everyday if you'd like me to!" Helga says with a reassuring smile.

     "Thanks, Helga," I say, giving her a hug.

     We reach the bus stop and I see Emmaline waving at us.

     "See you later, Alina," Helga says.

    "Bye," I say. "Oh, wait!" She turns around and I zip up her jacket. "Wouldn't want you getting sick on your birthday. Bye!"

     The bus pulls up and I run to get on it and sit next to Emmaline.

     "Did you hear?" She asks and I look at her confused. "People are hunting down witches."

     I can feel the color drain from my face. What? The last time they caught a witch was when--they can't be, right?

     "I don't know if they'll catch us or not, but we better be careful. We can't trust anyone easily," Emmaline whispers.

     Emmaline is also a witch. She's been one since she was eight too. She uses more potions then me, I think. She started only a few months before I did so that explains why she's a little higher ranked then me.

     "Well, just be careful and don't talk about any spells or stuff like that when people are around. Like now," I say and she shuts up and changes the subject.

     "Are you still throwing the suprise birthday party for Helga?" She asks.

     "Yeah," I say. "You still coming?"

     "Of course! I wouldn't miss a party for anything!"

     I laugh. Emmaline is the type of girl who loves to party. She's also a good party planner. If you ever need a party planner; call Emmaline!

     Helga's going to be so suprised when she comes home this afternoon! I can't wait!



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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