~~*Chapter 1*~~

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(hi guys this is my new fanfiction and I don't own this pictures)

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(hi guys this is my new fanfiction and I don't own this pictures)

It was normal day like any other day, I was in my house looking at my phone listening to 'Let's dance boys'. I was finally fifteen years old and I was just a normal girl until a letter came in the mail. I opened it and said I was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

I didn't know where that school was and I was really confused. I told my parents about but they didn't tell me anything about this Hogwarts School. I try to look up the school on the internet, but nothing came up. I start to think if I was a witch or not, but maybe it was just a prank. I called my friends if they send a little about this Hogwarts School and didn't know what I was talking about.

I called my best friend Ashley to come over to my house and play Super Smash Bros Ultimate and watch Black Butler on my computer. After she came to my house, I started to read fanfictions on my phone and I was listening to music.

Two months pass from when I open the letter and I had in it my backpack everyday thinking about why did they send me this letter.

It was the afternoon, when I was walking back from school, I was looking at my phone and I bump into someone. I fall on the ground and I look up to see a woman, in a dark green dress, she had black and blond highlights on her hair, and she looked a little old.

 I fall on the ground and I look up to see a woman, in a dark green dress, she had black and blond highlights on her hair, and she looked a little old

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"Watch where your going muggle", she said and didn't know why she call me a muggle. I stand up and notice I was shorter than her. "Sorry Miss I didn't see you and  why did you call me muggle", I ask her and looks up at her. She looks at me and says, "because your not a pureblood and do you know who I am", she said in a serious and angry voice.

I nod for no,"I don't know you miss", I answer and backs away," Well I am Narcissa Malfoy and you are,"as she leans closer to me.

"Well my name is Zelda Potter," I answer her takes my phone out while I back away again. She smirks and grabs my arm," So your Potter's daughter interesting," she said and takes out her wand." What's that," I say as I back away more, but she holds my arm tight.

" What's that," I say as I back away more, but she holds my arm tight

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"Why are you trying to get away?" she ask in a powerful voice." Well your holding my arm and can you let go of my arm it hurts," I say to her and she looks at me." And why would I do that your father put my husband in Azkaban," she got angry and didn't know anything she was talking about.

"Listen Narcissa I don't know what your husband did but let go of me old lady," I say to her and hits her arm. I start to run away from and when I was running my letter fell out with me noticing.

She got really mad and tries to chase me to down. Then she see something on the ground and picks it up. She read what it said and smirks. "Well well she's going to Hogwarts but she doesn't know who's coming to visit her very soon," she says and starts to walk to my house.

------------------(The end of the first chapter)--------------------

It was hard for me to write this but I finally did it ^^ and more chapters are coming soon!!!!

See you next time guys^^

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