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Den was in her 3-hour biology class, and to say that she is dead sleepy would be an understatement. She surreptitiously got her fone and posted a status on her twitter: "Bored 😞 3 hour class."

She smiled when a message from Ly came in.

"Just 1 more hour to go, smile."

Den replied, "this is worse than a sleeping pill."

"Stop texting and listen to your prof."

"Then stop messaging me. Ok, keeping my fone now."

"Liar, you're still reading this message."

Den was surprised because she was really still holding her fone.

"Ly: Look outside." Den immediately strained to look outside her classroom and saw Ly standing there. Ly smiled and waived at Den.

"Stalker! What are you doing here?" Den texted, but she was trying to suppress her laughter. She was, after all, still in the middle of class.

"Free cut, my prof didn't arrive. I'll wait for you here, let's have lunch. Now, FOCUS in class!" Den could see that Ly was laughing, she turned her attention back to the lecture.

When the bell finally rang, Den was the first one out the door. Not far behind, Ella was rushing towards them.

"Where you two off to?"

"Lunch." Both of them said at the same time.

"Nice, I'm hungry as well. Let's go!" Ella said, dragging Ly and Den with her.


They went to the nearby mall and chose to eat at McDonalds. Den was the one who ordered their food, while Ella and Ly waited at the table.

"So Ly, how's Jovee?"

"Yeah, ok, I guess? Well, he hasn't officially asked me or anything, but he has been sending feelers and stuff. He's nice."

"Nice? And cute? Hahaah" Ella teased, and Ly blushed.

"Do you like him? Or at least does he stand a chance with you?"

"I'm a bit interested."

"Good! So you wouldn't mind that I told him that he can join us for lunch?"

"Ella! Oh my gosh, why'd you do that?!"

"Well, he has been bothering me for quite a while now to help him. And he is becoming pesky, so I'm passing him on to you so that he'll leave me alone."

Den arrived at the table and put down the tray of food. She started fixing Ly's food and noticed her somber mood. "What did I miss?"

"Ly has a date," Ella teased. Ly rolled her eyes and threw a fork at Ella.

"Hey you two, no violence." Den sat beside Ly "with whom and when?"

"Right now," Ella stood up and waived at Jovee, "hey, Jovee, right here!"

Ly forced herself to smile and Ella signalled Den to move beside her so that Jovee can sit beside Ly. Den was confused with the turn of events and was a bit irritated.

"Hi guys! Ly..." He said, handing Ly roses.

"Do you still have class this afternoon Ly?"

"Nope, bit I have training at 6pm."

"Would you want to watch a movie before then?"

"Well, Den and I have class, right Den?" Ella said, nudging Den, "You two can go ahead if you want."

"Ly?" Jovee asked, waiting for her answer. She looked at Den.

"But Ly, weren't we supposed to set up the materials for training today?"

"I can help you with that," Ella interrpted.

"Ella, coach specifically placed me and Ly in-charge."

"Den, don't worry, as long as Ly gets back in time for training, we'll be able to cover up for her." Den slouched on her chair defeated.

"So, I guess, it's ok?" Jovee asked Ly tentatively. Ly nodded, and all four of them stood up to leave.

Ly hugged Den, "I'll see you later, take care." And Den just mumbled "bye".


While walking back to school, Ella was talking all about how cute Jovee and Ly were on their first date, Den, however, seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing," Den said and as she kicked a stone on her path. It went flying into a trajectory and almost hit a car.

"Someone's angry."

"Well, who wouldn't be? You just set-up our bestfriend with a guy you barely know. Who do you think you are, a PIMP! And a movie! Really Ella?! What if he attempts to kiss Ly?" Den was wringing her hands together and stomping her feet with her every step. "God, we're so stupid! We shouldn't have left her with him!" and Den turned around attempting to run back towards the direction of the mall.

"Whoa, whoa, hold it." Ella grabbed Den's hand and lead Den to sit on one of the benches behind one of the school buildings, which is secluded at this time.

"Sit," Ella said, patting the bench. Den complied and sat down, with her chin on her hands.

"What's really bothering you."

"I don't know!" Den stomped her feet, placed her arms on her lap, and slammed her head on it.

"You don't know, or you don't want to know? You think I haven't noticed how you two treat each other? It seems like every one around you knows the answer, except you."

"Shut up Ella," Den said, still not lifting her head. "I'm still mad at you."

"Or are you mad at yourself?" Ella paused, knowing that it was pointless to talk to Den now, considering her temper. Standing up, Ella touched Den's shoulder, "Don't thank me now, but believe me, I did this for both of you," and she left.

Den's mood still hasn't changed when Ella met her at the gym before training to fix their training gears. In fact, Den was deliberately ignoring Ella, so they proceeded to work in silence.

Den's mind was still somewhere else, that she forgot that she carelessly opened the cabinet door, sending the net and some bars crashing towards her. She screamed and managed to avoid most of the falling items, except for one that hit her squarely on the forehead.

"Den!" Ella shouted and ran immediately to Den. She pushed the debris away to get Den out from underneath. "Are you hurt?"

Den sat on the floor, with her knees bent as she hugged it and placed her head on top of it. She started crying. Ella held her and rocked her gently.

"Ells I think I'm in deep shit."Her sobs wrecking her chest, as she felt her whole body shaking.

For the first time, she was confronted with questions she has long refused to answer, and it felt like being drenched with cold water. It scared her.

And in that dark backroom she let out through her tears, where her words fail her.

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