Take my Breath Away

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Lunch went on peacefully. Ella and Amy figured out that if Den and Ly can stay in the same room and not erupt into a fight, then they should also welcome Den back. They can't hate Den if the person she hurt seems to have forgiven her.

"Here Den," Ella said, passing the pasta to Den.

"Hey, wait," Ly intercepted the plate and inspected it. "Ells, you ordered pesto?"

"Yup, that's what we always order?" Ella said while munching away.

"Den's allergic to nuts."

"Aiysh, sorry Den. I forgot.."

"No, it's ok.." Den smiled.

Shifting her attention to Ly, she asked, "I didn't know you like Pesto."

"Well, we never tried it before coz you're allergic to nuts. It's Jovee's favorite, and turns out, it's really good! I'm sorry you're missing out on this." Ly said mindlessly, while proceeding to pour pasta on her plate.

"Yah, my loss..."

"Here, just have this one. I ordered your favorite beef salpicao." Ly said and proceeded to serve Den's plate with it.

"Thanks.." Den said, feeling a bit flattered that Ly remembered.

"So, care to tell us where you've been?" Amy asked mid-way thru lunch.

"Long story short, I left, went to the US to find myself, and now I'm back." Den said quickly, she hated the attention. "Ok, now enough about me, tell me how you guys have been?"

"Long story short," Amy immitates Den, illiciting a laugh from the group, "Ella's still single, I've put up my own business, and Ly here is getting married in less than 4 months."

Den took a sharp intake of air, which sounded like she was choking, and Ly immediately patted her back and gave her water. "Hey, here..."

"I'm ok" she tried to get Ly's hands off of her.

How many times does she have to be reminded of this upcoming wedding? How often does she have to pretend that everything's ok? Sooner or later, her pretenses will fail, and the cracks will show, but for now, she would have to put up a brave font.

"How's med school? Did you transfer to an Ivy League school in the US?" Amy asked, resuming her meal.

"No, I quit..."

All 3 of them were shocked and stopped eating, waiting for Den to continue. When she didn't, Ly spoke, "But why? Wasn't that your dream since you were young?"

"Let's just say, I lost the reason to pursue those dreams. It just didn't make sense anymore," she said looking straight at Ly.

"So, are you really back for good?" Ly asked.

"For good, for now. Depends if I can reclaim my life." She said crypticly.

"Ahem," Ella pretended to cough. "Ly, we need to hurry up, your fitting is at 2pm."

"Fitting for what?" She turned her attention to Ella.

Ly touched her arm lightly to get her attention, "my gown fitting. You know me, always the last minute girl. 4 months to go and I still haven't chosen what I'm going to wear for the wedding." Ly laughed.

"Hey, if you're not doing anything this afternoon, maybe you can join us! What do you say, Kiwi?"

"Yah, I can skip work today, Perks of being the owner. Haha"

"Den?" Ly looked at her waiting for an answer.

"No, Ly, Den might still be tired and jet-lagged, she just arrived this morning. We can catch up withher another time..." But Ella was stunned when Den spoke.

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