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"Ethan, I need you to be honest with me right now." Grayson asked carefully, almost as if approaching a wild animal.

Ethan only gave a simple nod, so Grayson continued. "With Emma, do you mean the girl that has been missing for over three months now?"

The laugh that came out of Ethan's mouth was the most horrifying thing Grayson had ever heard in his entire life, and by that point he had enough proof to know that he needed to get out. Now.

"What do you mean, missing?" Ethan asked as he stood up. He gestured for Grayson to do the same.

Being scared out of his mind, Grayson complied and stood up. The walk they took to the kitchen was one of the longest Grayson had ever done. It probably took less than a minute to get there, but to him it felt like days.

"Look, she's safe with me."

What happend next was the most gruesome thing Grayson had ever experienced. It was the worst thing he could've imagined when he asked his brother what he had been up to.

Ethan had shown him Emma Chamberlain, the twenty five year old woman who had been missing for three months. She was there, all of her was there.

Her legs, arms, head, torso and even her heart. They were all there. Emma Chamberlain her full body was there.

It would've been an amazing discovery if Ethan had just shown his brother the girl who had been missing for three months, safe in a room behind the kitchen.

Instead Grayson saw the girl who had been missing for three months cut up and stacked in tupperware boxes in his brothers freezer.

Grayson had to keep his hand over his mouth so he wouldn't throw up, the sight was horrifying and one he knew he would never be able to get out of his head.

The sight of Emma's lifeless eyes staring at him through the plastic box would haunt him for the rest of his life. The way her nailpolish was still so nicely on the little fingers and the severed hand would run around in his mind for the rest of his days.

"I told her we would always be together." Ethan smiled as he grabbed the box with her head in it and opened it up.

Grayson turned away from the sight, the way his brother- no, this wasn't his brother, this was a stranger- grabbed the severed head as if it was the most normal thing in the world was downright disturbing.

"I'm going now." Grayson managed to get out, making the mistake of looking at the man in front of him first.

Ethan was holding the head as if it were still alive. He was holding her cheeks as if he was about to kiss her and her stared right into her lifeless eyes.

"I don't think so, Gray." The nickname cause shivers to go down Grayson's back.

"My story isn't done yet."

dear brother ⋆ ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now