Three high school students, Anastacia, Jamie, and Hideki, discover that their newest teacher is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. "Who knew someone so short could be so scary." As the short leader of the Seven Deadly Sins welcomes in a new member, she a...
"Miss Unknown, can I ask you a question?" Anastacia asks.
"Because you're the author and I have a random question I wanna ask," Stacia smiles innocently.
"Got me there, ask away my dear Goddess," I respond.
"Uh... okay then... if the main characters of this story were fairy tale characters, who would they be?"
"That's random, but I guess I could answer. Let's see if I can be as uncreative as possible..."
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"Anastacia Sparrow, would be Captain Jack Sparrow-"
"Really, we don't even have the same personalities," Stacia pouts.
"Hush, my child. I'm trying to be uncreative," I say.
"Pfft, well you're doing great," she says sarcastically.
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"Hideki Yoshirou and Jamie Carter would be Yoshi and Mario."
"That doesn't even make sense," Stacia comments.
"Hideki YOSHI-rou," I say.
"What about Jamie?" She asks.
"I couldn't think of anything," I shrug my shoulders.
"Really, you're the frickin author."
"So what, you're about to not a character." I smirk.
"Wow, you're so original and creative!" Stacia sarcastically smiles and claps her hands.
"... This is why I hate freshmen...." ///Just kidding! Some of my best friends are currently freshmen!!! They're a pain in the butt though, but that's probably just because we're band nerds///
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"Jazmin Ale would be Rapunzel-"
"She's more of a Tinker Bell type of girl," Stacia argues.
"Jazmin isn't hot headed, and I want her to be Rapunzel," I say.
"Okay okay, fine. So who's the lemur?" Stacia asks.
"That's supposed to be a dragon... and it's Avalon, as Pascal," I explain. ///Hahah, I can't draw dragons///
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///I gave up on drawing a background lolol///
"Floris Eckhart would be Mulan."
"Because he's a man worth fighting for," I say.
"You mean, a 'girl' worth fighting for?" Stacia asks.
"Sure, and Baldovino Reed as Jack the Giant Slayer," I continue.
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"Wendy Thaddeus would be Wendy Darling, and Teal Thaddeus would be Peter Pan."
"At least that makes sense..."
"Shush Stacia, I'm almost done," I put my index finger on her lips, and she rolls her eyes.
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"Grant would be the Little Mermaid... and Ani would be Marie Sassy," I finish.
"From the Aristocats?"
"Yes, what's your problem now?"
"Nothing... I just don't understand..."
"Me neither, no get to your place! The next chapter is starting soon!" I order her and she quickly runs away.