Chapter 5

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Anastacia's POV

Later that day, Hideki, Jamie, Avalon, Jazmin, Teal, Grant, Baldovino, Ani, and I are all sitting in the large tree house. I move from my awkward and uncomfortable spot next to Baldovino, and sit down in a beanbag next to Jamie. I fall into the beanbag, and it swallows me. 

"Why are we just sitting here?! I wanna fight!" Baldovino pouts. 

"We're waiting for Floris," Jazmin says. 

"We've been waiting here for an hour! Does he even know that we're waiting for him!?!" Baldovino stands up and shouts. 

"Weren't you the one who was supposed to tell him to meet us here?" Ani asks.

"No, I thought Fish-Boy was supposed to do it," Baldovino says. 

"*Sigh* I told you to tell him when we were in the car, Jack," Avalon covers her face with her hands. 

"Who made you the boss of us?!" Baldovino asks. 

"You're such an idiot, Jack," Avalon says before standing up and disappearing into thin air. 

"You really are an idiot," Ani continues. 

"Avalon's the idiot! She knows Floris creeps me out, so why would Avalon assume I would go anywhere near her?!" Baldovino snaps. 

"Whatever, we all know you like him," Grant smirks. 

"I DO NOT!!!! She's creepy in every way possible!" Baldovino shivers. 

"Who's creepy?" Avalon asks, while appearing behind Baldovino with Floris by her side. 

"N-no one! Mind your own business, Avalon!!" Baldovino says while sitting behind Ani's anti-gravity chair. 

"Anastacia, Jamie, Hideki, this is Floris. He's the Seven Deadly Sin of Gluttony," Avalon introduces Floris. 

(What the hell was Baldovino talking about? Floris isn't creepy, she's actually really cute) "It's nice to meet you, Floris," I smile, and she shyly nods. 

"Wow, what a cutie. No wonder Baldovino is scared, she's way out of that pig's reach," Jamie laughs. 

"SHUT UP, BRAT!!!!" Baldovino yells. 

"DON'T TALK TO MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!!!!" Ani stands up and punches Baldovino. 

"OWW!!! What was that for!?!" Baldovino pouts. 

"Sins, make yourselves present and come to order!!" I hear a high pitched voice and all the sins quickly stand up in a line and silently look forward, all except Avalon. 

"Thank you, Wendy," Avalon thanks a hummingbird, who flies in and lands on Avalon's shoulder. 

"No problem! It's so much fun to call them to order. I feel so powerful!" Wendy then looks over at me and I freeze. 

(Only someone with incredible strength could get these people to shut up. Who is she?!) 

"Hello! You three must be the collaterals. It's nice to meet you, my name is Wendy Thaddeus," she says as she lands on my head. 

"Uh, it's nice to meet you too, Miss- um," I start.

"Hey, why do you have the same last name as Teal?" Jamie asks. 

"Oh? He's my brother," Wendy answers. 

"But- um, you're a hummingbird, Miss Thaddeus," Hideki says. 

"Yes I am, thank you for stating the obvious, blondie," Wendy laughs. 

"Uh... you're welcome?" Hideki answers. 

"Hush, Ani, I want you to drive these three to their homes," Avalon says. 

"What? We aren't allowed to stay longer?" I ask. 

"Yeah, it's only 4:30," Jamie continues. 

"Don't argue," Avalon says. "And be careful not to address us as our first names when at school," Avalon warns us. 

"Yes, Avalon. Come on, guys. Let's go," Jamie says, and Hideki and I look at each other. We then follow Ani into her car and she drives us all home. 

Avalon's POV

"When was the last time we had a meeting like this? It's kind of sad how little we get together like this," Baldovino says. 

"There's not time for small talk now," Grant says. 

"If you say so, barnacle boy" Baldovino smiles. 

"That's enough, you all know why we must converse like this, don't you?" I interrupt their conversation. 

"So some little twerp can speak to dolphins, so what?" Baldovino asks. 

"It's more than that, Jack," Jazmin says. 

"Don't call me that!" Baldovino snaps. 

"His true self is starting to awaken," Teal says. 

"That's right," I agree. 

"And Ani still isn't aware of it?" Grant asks. 

"Doesn't she have a right to know?" Jazmin continues. 

"If she hasn't figured it out on her own, then no, she doesn't," I answer. 

"What about the others?" Teal asks, and Floris looks down. 

"They'll start to awaken too, if they haven't already," I respond for Floris. 

"Soooo, what does that mean?" Baldovino asks. 

"You were present at the last war, Baldovino. Don't you remember what happened then?" Jazmin reminds him. 

"We don't want another war to break out, we must keep their powers quiet," I say. 

"Or at least keep them from finding out," Teal says. 

"What about Lara? The gate keeper?" Grant reminds us. 

"I trust her, Lara won't tell her Commander," I say.

"But what if she does?" Jazmin asks. 

"Then we'll have to do everything in our power to keep a war from breaking out," I answer. 

"Um, Avalon," Wendy says while hovering over my shoulder. 

"What is it, Wendy?" I ask. 

"I hate to tell you this in the middle of an important meeting, but- um... He has requested for you, and any other previous members, to go to a meeting with them," Wendy says, and a surprised expression crosses not only my face, but Teal's and Jazmin's as well. 

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