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"Fine kick me out, you always choose him over me anyways" he said.
"Jake" I said hurt.
"I get it, no need to explain" he said. I tried grabbing his arm but he quickly pulled away. A chill ran down my spine, my heart was beating out of my chest.
"Whatever come back when you are ready" I said slamming my door shut, locking it.
With very shaky hands I dialed Edward's number.
"Bella?" Edward asked.
"He was here. Mystery guy was here" I said shakily.
"I'm on my way" he said.
"Hurry. I don't know if he is still out there. He looks like Jake, exactly like Jake" I whisper.
"It's okay Bella. I'm almost there" he said.
"Okay" I said.
"How do I if it's you?" I asked.
"You'll know. Cause I would never hurt you Bella" he said.
I heard a knock on my door.
"It's that you knocking on the door?" I asked.
"No Bella. Don't open it. I'm here just wait" he said.
"Turn around Bella it's okay" I hear Edward said.
I turn around and saw him
"Oh my god" I said hugging him tightly.
"What happened to Jake?" I asked pulling away.
"We're about to find out" he said walking towards the door, keeping me behind him.
He opened the door to see Jake, or someone who looked like Jake.
"Umm hey Edward, where is Bella?" Jake asked.
"She is here" he said coldly.
"What's up with you?" Jake asked confused.
"You tell me?" He said.
"Okay, are you always weird or is this a one time thing?" He asked.
"I think this is Jake" I whispered so quietly that only Edward with his super hearing could hear. To be honest I couldn't even hear what I said myself.
I moved Edward aside and walked towards Jake.
"Bella" Edward whispered.
"What's going on Bella. Why are you both acting strange?" Jake asked.
I slowly and shakily grabbed his hand, his eyes followed my movement.
"Okay?" Jake said with uncertainty.
His hand was warm.
"Oh Jake. Oh my god I thought he killed you" I jumped into his arms a few tears ran down my cheek.
"Would someone explain what the hell happened here?" Jake said seen me.
"The guy you guys have been after was here with Bella" Edward stated looking at me softly.
"Oh shit" Jake said.
Meanwhile my heart was still beating twenty thousand miles per second.
Edward grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.
"How the hell do you if it's Jake? And not him? What if you're wrong?" He asked whispering quietly and looking at Jake sternly.
"First get your hands off Bella dickward. Second explain what's happening cuz I don't understand why you guys are so freaked" Jake asked.
"Because Vampires are cold. And werewolves are hot" I stated
"You got that right" Jake smirked and Edward and I rolled her eyes annoyingly.
"No Jake. Werewolves are warm. Edward's skin is freezing 24/7 while yours is extremely warm. When I tried to hold "Jake" and keep hm from leaving, his skin was freezing like yours Edward and I knew it wasn't Jake" I said holding his hand in mine to emphasize my point.
"Well good observation" Edward said.
"Thank you" I said.
"But what if he can change that too?" Edward asked.
"No because even if he can change and transform he is still a vampire, that's the one thing that doesn't change" Jake said.
"What if you're right?"I asked Edward moving closer to Edward.
"Bella" Jake said looking at me and then at Edward.
"Are you serious? How do I fucking prove that I'm me?" Jake asked.
Ding dong
The bell rings and I jumped.
"Bella open up I'm sorry I shouldn't have reacted that way. Can we talk?" A voice that sounded like Jake said from outside.
"Oh god. Jake?" I asked looking at him and grabbing his hand in mine.
"That's fucking creepy" Jake whispered.
"Hide. Both of you" I said desperately.
"No. I'm not gonna hide I'm staying with. Jacob hide." Edward ordered.
"Don't tell me what to—" he began
"Stop and do what he says. Now!" I said sternly and he glared at Edward before hiding in my dad's close to mask his scent.
"Bella honey please open up. I'm sorry" the guy said.
Edward walked and hide me behind him while walking towards the door, I held to his arm.
He opened the door, his face completely and utterly cold, that it frighten me.
"Leave Jacob. Bella doesn't want to see you at the moment" Edward said through gritted teeth, and my grip on his arm tighten.
"What the hell is he doing here? Couldn't have enough of him? Huh?" That faker said angrily.
How can he do that? How can his emotions be so real and raw?
Fucking manipulator!
"Jacob I don't wanna talk right now. Maybe I'll go by the pack house tomorrow" I said.
"No I want to talk right now" he said growling.
"Well she doesn't want to, so I suggest you to turn around and walk away" Edward said glaring at him his fangs coming out and his eyes changing.
"Who fucking asked you to talk? You fiftthy bloodsucker? You have no business so why don't you leave US alone. This is our issue not yours. LEAVE!" Faker guy said growling loudly making me shake behind Edward.
"Your dog barks doesn't scare me. Bella?" Edward said.
"I want you Jacob Black, to leave me and go. Leave before I say something I'll regret. Edward is staying whether you like it or not. Go!" I said mustering all the courage without shitting my pants in the process.
"You heard her" Edward said before slamming the door shut.
"If you don't come out right now, this relationship is over. I'm done choosing you if you seem to have bigger priorities" the faker said and my heart clenched thinking of Jake. It looked so real that it pained me to think of it ever becoming true.
"Bye Bella. Hope you have a sweet life with Edward. The love of your life. The person you've always loved. He was your first love and like they say, you never truly forget them. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough" the faker said
A few minutes went by without a sound.
"He's gone" Edward said quietly
Jake came in a second later.
"Who is this fucker?" Jake said angrily and harshly pulling me to him.
"Jake" I whispered as he grip became iron steel.
"Calm down. You're hurting her" Edward said looking at me and glaring at Jake.
"Don't tell me what to do with MY girl!" Jake said angrily growling at Edward.
"If you fucking shift right now, Bella will die and if you don't let her go, you will break her and then I'll have no choice but to break you!" Edward said calmly but his threat was obvious and clear. His eyes changed colors.
"Edward try to control yourself please" I whispered looking at him softly.
"Don't help him,don't talk to him, don't even look at him Bella" Jake said angrily looking at me shaking.
"Jake stop! And let me go you're hurting me" I said looking at him trying to push him away.
"What? you want me to leave you? Huh? So that you can be with your first love?" Jake said.
"Stop being a possessive asshole. I chose you Jake! Isn't that enough!" I yelled desperately.
"But he's always there in your heart, maybe I should just rip it off" Jake said and I shivered.
Rip my heart out? What the fuck?what is happening to him? He would never threaten to hurt me.
"If you don't let her go right now, I'll fucking kill you" Edward said threateningly.
"I want to see you try" Jake challenge.
"You are not yourself right now. Get your shit together Jacob. This is exactly what he wants. For you to loose control. For all of us to be the worst version of ourselves. Don't let him" I said my arm hurting more by the minute.
"I can't when he brings out the worse in me" Jake said growling at Edward
"Ahhh. Jake" I gasp digging my nails into his hand.
"YOURE HURTING ME" I yelled painfully and he forcefully lets go off me pushing me in the process.

Like he was fighting with myself.

Edward quickly grabbed me before I fell back and pulled me behind him.
"If I tell you to run. You do as I say without questioning it." Edward said eyeing Jacob's every move and pulling me closer to the door.
"What is happening to him?" I asked not daring to take my eyes off Jake.
"His Alpha has been triggered" Edward answered.
"What?" I asked beyond confused.
"It means his Alpha is trying to come out. He is seeking and fighting for control in his human form, which make him more dangerous" he said.
"He can do that?" I asked.
"With enough trigger, yes." He said.
"Get out of here. Now. Both of you!" Jake yelled his voice shifting from his normal soft husky voice to an animal-like one.
It sounded like he was possessed and that scared me even more.
"I can't hold I'm off much longer. RUN" Jake yelled and Edward had me inside the car in less than a second and was driving off towards his house.
"He can't step into my territory. Call his family and let them know" Edward said driving at an impossible speed.
"Let them know what?" I asked shakily.
"That his Alpha has awaken" Edward said lowly.
Hey guys sorry for not updating. I know it's been a couple of months but I'm really busy. I hope you like this twist, it will allow me to have more content for future chapters
Take care

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