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Bella p.o.v
8:00 pm
I was at my house and I currently was arguing with my dad because I didn't wanted to eat. Even though I really wanted to eat the Nutella pancakes I wasn't hungry. But I've been trying to tell my dad that for the past half an hour.
"Bella just eat the pancakes for Gosh sake" My dad said angrily
"Dad I'm really not hungry" I whine.
"You will not leave the table without eating anything. Now eat!" He said
"I really cannot eat I'm not hungry! Dad I want to go to bed please I'm tired" I said yawning.
"Oh don't you fake yawn on me young lady. Now eat and I'm not gonna ask again" he said his face redder than a tomato.
"How about we compromise. I eat half a pancake today and I'll eat the other 4 and half tomorrow for breakfast plus an orange juice and a granola bar. Pretty good deal huh? You know I hate orange juice" I said.
"Fine but I want to see you eat it now" he said and I did as told.
11:30 pm
I've been waiting for the past 2 hours for Jake but he isn't here. My eyes are giving up on me and it kinda hurts that Jake isn't here. I'm cold and Johna went to sleep at a hotel while Billy is sleeping in my dad's room and dad on the sofa downstairs.
I was in my bed thinking about Jake. He probably was laying with Lizzie on her bed keeping her warm. She was probably all over him. And I'm here cold with no one to be with me. I can't believe Jake broke his promise, well I mean he didn't promise he would come he just said he would.Which thinking about it, technically is like a promise.
So my conclusion is that he broke his promise.
I don't care I mean I'm not his girlfriend, Elizabeth is. I'm not his imprint, Elizabeth is. I'm not the one he is loves... okay that's enough.
I was about to fall sleep when my door open.
"Bella are you asleep yet?"
"No Billy come on in?" I said. To be honest I was disappointed, a piece of my heart hoped it was Jake.
"Look Billy I just want to tell you that I feel bad about what is happening with Jake. He is just stupid" I said
"It's fine Bella, the worst part is that he imprinted on her so I can't make him just forget about her. I lost my son forever, well unless I apologize to her" Billy said sadly.
"I will not let you do such thing Billy. You will not apologize to.. HER" I said kinda mad.
"Thank you for trying to talk Jake into talking to me" Billy said.
"Well if he isn't going to talk to you anymore then he will not talk to me either. He forgets about you, he forgets about me. Easy" I said determined.
"I can't watch my boy be destroyed by a demon" Billy said sadly.
"Trust me Billy is harder for me to watch. Damn Jacob can be such an ignorant boy. He is an asshole. He hit you!" I said angrily.
"It's okay Bella, I did said some things about her that I shouldn't have" Billy said.
"Well I'm sure she deserved it" I said.
"Well that she did" he said.
"I'm gonna leave you so you can get some rest. Thank you again I just need to let you know that I'm grateful for having you. Even though I lost my boy, I'm glad I have you" he said.
"And I'm glad you find me someone you can count on" I said hugging him before he left.
Now where was I ??
Oh right Jake is an asshole, a dickhead, a fucking moron, a brainless piece of shit.
Now with that taking out of my chest, I'm actually gonna try to sleep. I'm leaving in two days and the more time goes by, the more I think that the idea of leaving Forks forever is not as crazy as I thought. Maybe starting fresh somewhere far away from Jake is better for me, maybe the distance between us will help me forget about him. Time will definitely make me forget about him and I have a lot of time... okay so maybe some time away from Jake will help me detox from him. Maybe 3 or 4 months away will be good for some time for myself.
And so I fell asleep with the thought that I wouldn't see Jake for 4 months, but then again I lost Jake a long time ago so distance makes no difference.
The next day I ate my food and got ready to go see the Cullen's. I texted Alice telling her that I was heading to her house. The trip to the Cullen's house felt so foreign. I'm so use to going to Emily's house that going the opposite way almost feels like I'm going the wrong way. I parked my car in front of their house, I almost forget that their house was super big. I made my way to the door when Alice opened it and gave me a bone crushing hug.
"BELLA! I haven't seen you in so long! I'm so so so so happy you are here!!! Omg we have so much to talk about!" She said happily.
"I'm so so so so so so so glad to see you too" I said laughing.
"Welcome back Bella, it is always a pleasure to see you. Beautiful as always" Carlisle said.
"Nice to see you too" I said
One by one the Cullen's gretted me.
"Bella" Edward said softly.
"You are here" he finished.
"I told you I would come and I'm here" I said smiling.
"Well I had my doubts" he said.
"I promised and I always keep my promises" I said.
"You promised me we will always be together and that didn't happen" he said looking at me intensely.
"Well I'm a human I'm not perfect" I said jokingly.
"Do you love Jake, Bella?" Edward ask all of sudden not taking his eyes of me.
"Can we please not talk about him right now, I'm here to spend some time with you guys not to talk about him" I said slightly annoyed that people can't seem to stop talking about him, how am I suppose to forget about him if people keep talking about him.
"I need to know if I still have a chance" he said.
"Edward please not now" I said.
"If not now when?" He asked frustratedly.
"Look Edward we had our beautiful story together and trust me, you were my first love, I'm never going to forget you. You are someone special to me , and I love you. The time I was your girlfriend it was the best moment in my life, but it's what I said our story, look I don't like to say we can never happen, but at least not now. At this point in my life I can't go back with you. I don't know what life has for me, maybe in the future something can happen. But now that's far away from being true" I said looking at him.
"Well I'll wait. I have a lot of time, I'm not going anywhere and if you need time, I'll give you time, as long as you need. If I have any chance to go back with you then that's all I need" Edward said smiling.
"Okay so now that your things are taking care of, I'm gonna take Bella away from you brother cause we have A LOT to talk about" Alice said grabbing my hand.
"Oh I have so so so so so many things to talk to you about" Alice said happily.
"We'll go ahead I'm listening" I said.
"I'M GETTING MARRIED!" She yelled happily showing of her ring.
"I know I almost died when my baby proposed" Alice said excitedly.
"Aww" I said.
"You are sooooooooooo my maid of honor, no questioning it!" She stated.
"Well I'm honored" I said.
"You think Leah wants to come?"Alice asked hopefully.
"I'm sure she will love to" I said.
"Great" she said.
"So when is the weeding?" I asked.
"In like 4 months so we don't have much time. We better start looking at the dresses" Alice said.
"I'm going to Florida for 3 months" I said.
"THREE MONTHS!" She yelled.
"Well it was gonna be 4 but your weeding is in 4 months so I'm coming back a month earlier" I said
"Oh so my maid of honor is being nice and coming back from a vacation a month before my weeding, how nice of her" she said sarcastically.
"Well Alice I'm gonna spend some time with my mom" I said.
"Bellllllllaaaaaaaaaa" Alice whine.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"I'm just kidding I have it all down, i have been planing this moment for years. I don't need you to do anything, go have fun with your mom. BUT you are my maid of honor?" She asked.
"OF COURSE!" I said hugging her tightly.
"Okay great now I can let you go freely. If you had say no, I would have probably followed you across the world until you said yes" She said giggling.
"Let me see the ring" I said.
"Owwwww he did good" I said looking at the beauty in front of me.

"Owwwww he did good" I said looking at the beauty in front of me

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"I know it's so pretty" she said.
"Yeah" I said.
"So Bella" Alice said.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Rumors have it that Jacob imprinted on Elizabeth, is that true?" She asked.
"That's what he told me so I guess it's true" I said.
"Wait Jacob told you he imprinted on her. Spill!" He said.
"I really don't want to talk about it" I said.
"Come on, I want to know. Wait let me go get popcorn" she said
"You are a vampire, you don't eat" I said.
"Correction. We don't eat what you humans eat, but we eat. Plus the popcorn is for you" she said.
After a while Alice came back with popcorn and sat down.
"Okay go ahead" she said.
"Well, Elizabeth and I had gotten in a fight and whatever. Jake defended her and that pissed me off. So I went to walk around and then Jake and I were talking, and he told me he imprinted on her. End of story" I said remembering those bitter words that were said more than 2 weeks ago.
"Oh my- well that sucks I'm sorry Bella I know you like Jake" she said.
"I'm leaving tomorrow Alice I should really go pack. If you want you can come visit me in Florida and we can talk about the wedding there too" I said getting up.
"Great you will definitely see me there in like 3 weeks. Oh gosh I'm so excited. I'll see you soon Bella. I love you thank you for being my maid of honor" she said as we made our way to the door.
"No, thank you for asking me. I'll see you soon Alice" I said opening the door.
"Bella you are leaving so soon?" Carlisle asked
"Yeah I just came to say hi, I actually need to go home and pack" I said.
"Where are you going?" Carlisle.
"I'm gonna spend some time with my mom" I said.
"Well have fun honey" Carlisle saif.
"I will. I'll see you guys soon. Bye guys" I said going and made my way to the car.
"Bella wait, for how long are you leaving forks?" Edward asked.
"3 months" I said and he sighted out of relief.
"I thought you were leaving forever" he said.
"No no I'm coming back I can't possibly miss Alice wedding" I said.
"Yeah we are so happy for them" he said.
"Yeah me too. I'll see you soon bye Edward" I said smiling at him.
"See you soon Bella" he said and with that I drove to my house. When I reached my house I saw a unfamiliar car in my parking lot. I made my way to the front door and I was about to open it when somebody did for me.
Fuck me in the ass!
"Elizabeth. What are you doing in my house?" I asked bitterly.
"Hi Isabella come on in" she said smirking moving to the side and I rolled my eyes angrily.
Hope it like the chapter! I'll be updating soon! Really soon.

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