Chapter Thirty-Four: The Story of B

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March 6th, 2020
Ouray, Colorado

"You're going to survive this, I promise." Jack couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.

"Yeah, you can say that. You haven't been stuck with Will for the last month. I'm bored, and I miss you, Jack."

"I know, but it's not safe for us to be around each other right now. We'll attract monsters like nobody's business."

"Not true. I've come up with some really powerful spells. I could probably protect a whole stadium full of people like us. Please, I'm begging you. If you won't take me on a job or anything at least come and spend a few days. I feel like I'm getting punished," Marley complained over the phone.

"Look, I'll try, Mars. But I can't promise anything. There's some crazy shit going on, and we've been called out to a job. But I'll do whatever I can to convince Ash to take a trip out to see you."

"Yes! You're the freaking best, Jack!" She practically squealed in his ear and he could hear the smile in her voice. It was worth whatever he was gonna have to do to get Ash on board too.

"Yo, Jacky! You ready to hit the road?" Ash's voice floated up from downstairs.

Pulling the phone away from his ear, he called back, "Yeah, just a sec!" Into his cell, he said, "Mars, I gotta go. I love you, stay safe."

"Oh, don't worry, I've got Boy Scout Will over here making sure I have zero fun whatsoever."

Jack sputtered out a laugh. "You'll be fine. See ya later."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, Jack." They ended the call as he headed down the stairs his backpack hanging off his shoulders. Ash was waiting for him at the bottom with Lee and her mom, Georgia. Haru had been out on the road restocking and providing maintenance for all the safehouses their family owned and operated across the country for the entire week that Ash and Jack had hunkered down at the compound.

"You boys watch out for each other. It's a dangerous world," Georgia mentioned as soon as Jack's feet landed on the last step.

"We will," Ash promised stoically.

Georgia didn't look so convinced, though. "You've got five more months until my grandbaby is born, and you better be there for that."

"Mama, chill out," Lee said before her mom could continue ranting at Ash, like she'd been doing the entire time they'd been at the compound. Lee reached out and wrapped her arms around Ash, as much as she could with the baby bump getting in the way. "Just do your job and get your ass back here soon, okay? I have a lot to do around here, a lot of scared people to protect. I could use your help."

Ash scoffed, pulling out of her embrace. "You mean a lot of monsters trying to seek asylum?"

"Monsters and humans, darling. Do we really need to have this conversation again?" Lee smiled brushing back one of her dreads, while Jack gathered up all of his and Ash's stuff and started for the front door, hugging Georgia as he passed her.

"No, no. I know how it'll go anyway. I'll call you later, babe. Thanks for everything, Georgia."

"Sure thing, kid." She said something else to Ash, but Jack was already out the door and heading for the Blazer, whistling for Keala, who came running just a few minutes later.

"So, where're we headed again?" Jack asked lightly, feeling more like himself than he had in weeks.

"Buddy of Dad's an old gun for hire, Tom Horn, called me last night about a job out in Olympia, Washington. It's about a twenty hour drive from here. Enough time for you to read up on the area. Will texted me some things to look into a few days ago, and I'm pretty sure Olympia was one of the locations."

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