c h a p t e r t w o

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The second that Betty opened the door, Jughead rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen. He grabbed the bags of Pop's and went upstairs to hide them in Betty's room, so none of the others took their food. As he carefully placed the bags under Betty's mountain of stuffed animals, he heard Chuck from downstairs asking for where to put the kegs, and Archie's answer.

Jughead sighed and crouched down to pet Caramel, Betty's cat, and he hummed when Caramel began to pur.

"You know, you're no Hot Dog, but you're kind of okay, I guess," he told the tabby, gently stroking her fur. Just then, Betty burst into the room, locking the door behind her. Jughead looked up at her, and noticed how frantic she looked. He raised an eyebrow.

"There's beer, Jug! There are kegs of beer!" Betty shouted, pacing her bedroom floor. "And– And Veronica! She brought wine! Even before Cheryl showed up!" Chuckling, Jughead stood up and put his hands on her shoulders. Her blue eyes met his green eyes, and she took a deep breath.

"Did you expect less? I mean, Cheryl told people it was a party," he said, removing his hands. Betty looked off to the side, knowing he was right. She huffed and crossed her arms as Jughead said, "And Veronica, is Veronica, you can't change that." Betty nodded in agreement, but scrunched up her nose in frustration. Jughead chuckled again, silently admiring her. Betty sighed, and turned to the door.

"I suppose someone has to make sure no one dies, right?" she asked her best friend, while opening her bedroom door.

"Have fun with that," Jughead called after her, and laughed when she flipped him off. He shut the door and went to sit on her bed; he wasn't really one for parties. He grabbed a bag of food, and began to eat.

Betty walked down the stairs, and cringed at the stench of beer and sweat. The closer she got to the bottom, the stronger it was. She gagged, and tried not to breathe through her nose. People were everywhere in her house, and outside.

She walked into the living room, right as Jason's fist connected with Adam's chin. Betty sighed and put her hands in her back pockets as she watched the boys shout and pummel each other. Perhaps Adam instigated the fight, or said something profane, or whatever. That didn't give Jason the right to get blood everywhere. Betty sighed again and grabbed two cups of beer out of bystander's hands. She trudged over to them, and dumped the cups over the two boys' heads. They looked up at her, shocked, and edged away sheepishly.

"Betty!" a familiar voice shouted. "Hey Betty, over here!" the blonde sighed and walked over to her best friend, who had an overfilled wine glass in her left hand, and a red plastic Solo cup filled with beer in her right. She had unbuttoned the first three buttons in her already revealing red blouse, and she had a slight pink tint to her face, but other than that she looked like her usual model-self. Betty felt a pinch of jealousy in her stomach at how perfect her bestie was, but pushed it down.

"What's up, Ronnie?" she asked, gently trying to pull the alcohol from her hands. It was no use. Veronica smiled lazily, like she had just woken up from a nap.

"Archie's looking for you," the brunette responded happily. Betty was surprised. Archie was usually looking for Veronica, not her, so what was different this time? Betty felt a rush of adrenaline, and her heart soared. She gently pat her bestie's head, and went looking for the boy.

~~ w r i t t e n    i n    t h e     s t a r s ~~  a bughead storyWhere stories live. Discover now