c h a p t e r t h r e e

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Betty Cooper woke up Wednesday morning with a pounding in her head.

She slowly turned her head to the side, and read the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. 12:15 pm, it read. She blinked a few times, trying to understand the thing that wasn't clicking in her mind. She sat up quickly, suddenly remembering.


"Crap," she mumbled, rubbing her temples. Sitting up as fast as she had, her mind spun and her brain felt like it was thrumming against her skull. She groaned, and brushed her bangs out of her face. It took a long moment for her to realize that she was not sitting in her bedroom, but someone else's.

She looked around, taking in her surroundings.

There were band posters displayed all along the walls, and some movie posters splayed here and there. The bedding was a dark grey, and there were boxes of video games stacked by the TV. Betty rubbed her eyes and wiped the drool from her face.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," a familiar voice said to her. She turned toward the door, where Jughead Jones was leaning against the doorframe, with a tray in his hands. Betty connected the dots, and deducted that this was Jughead's bedroom. She groaned and rubbed her temples again.

"School?" she asked him. Jughead stepped closer to the bed and set the tray down next to her. There was a cup of hot tea, a bottle of aspirin, and a donut, neatly organized. She smiled gratefully at him, as she took the aspirin and drank the tea.

"Mom called us both in sick. Since she's your emergency contact, the school accepted it and we're both excused," Jughead explained, sitting down at the foot of the bed. Betty nodded slowly as to not make herself dizzy. The two sat in silence as she finished the contents of her cup and nibbled on her donut.

"How bad was I?" she asked eventually. Jughead snorted and turned his head in response. "Jug," Betty said, looking him in the eye, "how bad was I?" The tall brunette sighed.

"Do you want the truth or the half truth that makes it seem better than it was?" he asked, turning to the side. Betty sighed. This was going to be so humiliating.

"The truth," she huffed, mentally preparing herself for the mortification that was headed her way.

"Well, you got blackout drunk, stripped into your underwear, and started dancing in your kiddie pool," he told her. "There was a crowd," Jughead added, as the blonde covered her face with her hands. She groaned loudly, and the boy chuckled. "I'm sure nobody will remember it, Betts." Betty shook her head, and peeked out from behind her fingers.

"Really?" she asked, but Jughead shook his head.

"No, I just said that so you'd feel better. I'm sure everyone's gonna remember it for the rest of their lives, as 'That-one-time-Betty-Cooper-stripped-at-her-party'" Jughead said, but Betty punched his arm in annoyance. "I'm just joking," he added quickly as she crossed her arms. She sighed again, and looked down at her body, noticing Jughead's black 'S' tee-shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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