|Chapter 1|

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"Seungmin,wake up. You will be late..."Seungmin openned his eyes after heard a voice waking him up.

"Hmm...? Woojin hyung...? How do you get my key room...?"Seungmin asked while rubbing his left eye.

"Well... Since you didn't have a roommate... So Mrs. Kim allowed me to keep your second key with me as I'm your closer bestfriend..."Woojin said.

"Oh... I see..."Seungmin close his eyes again,hoping that Woojin will go away.

"Wake up,baby. You must don't want to be late,right?"Woojin pulled Seungmin's both hand.



"Uhh..."Seungmin groaned as Woojin looked at him.

"Still tired?"Woojin asked.

"Yeah..."Seungmin replied. Woojin shock his head and put his hand on Seungmin's head while messing up his hair.

"I've already told you to sleep early,right?"Seungmin just smile and then walked toward the school.

"I need to go,Seungmin."Woojin said as he ran to his class.

"Bye! See you and the other at lunch!"Seungmin just stared at Woojin who was already disapeared from the coridor and then he back to the reality.

"Wait. What time is it?"Seungmin talked to himself before checked the time on his phone.

"OH MY. I NEED TO GO NOW!!!"Seungmin put his phone back to his pocket and ran to his class. He ran as fast as lightning without looked what infront of him and accidentally bumped with someone. He and that guy felt to the ground.

"Uh... I'm sor-"

"What's wrong with you? Are you blind?"The guy said while standing and started to walked toward his class again.

"The hell is he doing?"


Seungmin openned his class door and unfortunately,Mrs. Kim already come to the class. She just looked at Seungmin and pointed her hand on Seungmin's seat. Seungmin just followed and sat on his seat.

"Anyway,Seungmin. Luckily you reached to the class before I introduce the new student from YG High School. Come in,Hyunjin!"Mrs. Kim said as the new student come in.

"Hello. My name is Hwang Hyunjin. Nice to meet you."The boy,well known as Hyunjin,said while bowed. All of the girls student fangirling because of his visual and hot look.

"Shut up! Now Hyunjin,you can sit beside Seungmin."Mrs. Kim said as she turned her face to the whiteboard again.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin after he heard that Hyunjin will be his seatmate. He rolled his eyes after realised that Hyunjin was the boy that bumped to him this morning. Hyunjin glared at him before pulled the chair and sat on it.

"My name is Hyunjin."Hyunjin said,still glared at Seungmin.

"S-Seungmin. Nice to m-meet you."Seungmin replied,hope that Hyunjin wouldn't know that he is the boy that bumped into him in the morning. Unfortunately,Hyunjin still remember he was the boy that bumped to him.

"Oh? So you is the boy that bumped to me,huh?"Hyunjin asked.

"Um... Y-yeah... I-I'm sorry..."

"What are you two talking about,Seungmin and Hyunjin?"Mrs. Kim said,glared at the two.

"N-nothing!"Seungmin and Hyunjin replied nervously.

"Huh... And oh,Seungmin! Since you didn't have a roommate,so Hyunjin will be yours."

"W-what?! Hyunjin? Roommate?!"Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Is that a problem,Mr. Kim Seungmin?"Mrs. Kim asked.



Author note:

First chapter,yay... And sorry for this book cover. I didn't have some SeungJin pic on my gallary:( But don't worry. I'll found on the amino or my friends^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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