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AN: Everything throughout the story that is between ~this mark~ is an alternated version of story prompts and stuff on Tumblr. Whatever is between ~this mark~ I don't own. Nor do I own Nico or Will or any of Riordan's characters.

~Who would believe the fantastic and terrible story of our survival?~ Who would believe in such a mythical tragedy? When they looked at the stars, who would think of our feathered wings and star dust breath?

For you were half heaven, half hell. You grew up on an earth spinning towards sin. I, I was what some called holy. I was the sun at dawn, I was the scorching heat on a worker's back. I have ~moon dust in my lungs, stars in my eyes, I am a child of the cosmos and ruler of the skies.~

I am ~judge, jury, and executioner.

You are defendent, plaintiff, and victim. You are the sheriff that watches over his people.

We began as all good love stories should.

Forged in blood, fire, fluorescent lights, fuzzy socks

on waxed, slippery floors.

Shrieks of laughter

and joy.

His heart beats like a drum against mine in sync.

His skin against mine burns like a firework

We explode.

We belong together always

He says, his voice

One of hope.

We don't fall out of love

We implode in the midst of a war.

Meaningful coincidences

You know there is no such thing.

We were built on love and lies

We were a house of cards

Destiny, mistake.~

But it continued on.

~Because I love him,

I do,

And here's the miracle:

he loves me too.

I was allowed

to lick off the color from his lips

to listen to the hymns in his pulse

to bask in the sunlight of his voice.

I was allowed

to have him.

We love each other,

we do,

And here's the tragedy:

it wasn't enough.

I was allowed

to watch the sun swallow him whole and burn him up

to stain my fingers to the bone holding him together

to count the constellations in his eyes as they blink out

I was not allowed

To save him.~

Yet I stood before the All-knowing in the name of love, in the name of justice. I tried to save as much of him as I could. Because he took me in in the name of mercy years before he ended, and he kept me close in the name of love even when my wings began to fail me. Will was everything, was Love itself. He's what I began to live for that day.

~I am coming for all the monsters that ever touched him, I am coming for all the ones who twisted his stars into shadows. They turned him into a nightmare, so I'm going to be theirs.~

Because he used to be called Sunshine, he used to not be stuck in this endless war. But the angels started drafting, and the demons kept coming. His blond hair still caught me off guard. His blue eyes were full of pain.

He died and he thought our story was over. He thought we'd have nothing left to love. But the demon that killed him was of a special class, and he himself was different than any other human. He had killed demons, he had fought in the war before he even saw Heaven's doors.

Will was a soldier. He had finished his training, had gotten his recommendation (I was happy to give), he finally joined the front lines.

Was I sorry for making Sunshine a soldier? No. He became




Our love was meant to be.

He became everything I would ever need.

Why did angels exist?


What strengtheed us?

To be loved.

What gave us courage?

To be in love.

Our love became




Our souls beat as one.

Fall, rise up. Love. if I could reach anyone, that would be my advice.




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