If You Want To Cry But Still Thinks About Others

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They say crying won't help
They say crying is an act of cowardness
They say crying is a sign of grief
Little did they know you have been through bunch of rainstorms
That you were swallowing your tears just to please everybody

Don't listen to them
It's not them who holds the weight of whatever you are carrying
The person who knows you the most is yourself
No one knows the real story except you
Don't mind those people who watch you while you cry at public
Don't mind those voices in your head while you cry in private
In those times you are creating your own kind of rain
Rain to wash yourself

So cry every pain
Cry every anger
Cry every sadness
Let every drop of your tears water your heart to grow roots for a better you
To bear flowers that reminds you how special you are
To bear fruits of forgiveness which you deserves

Always remember that crying is also a sign of joy
Always remember that crying means letting go.

Anthology of Disturbing ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon