Chapter 13: The preparations

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This is one of the last chapters I make for this story. I'll make a part 2, but I'll take a break from writing anything about Lizzy and  Penny.

There was only a week until the wedding. I also had to go to college in three weeks. My father never told me what college he would send me to. Although I had no clue which school it was, I had an inkling that it had something to do with cosmetology. I didn't even know what I wanted to be. It would be cool to be a stunt performer or maybe even an artist. This was a lot of thinking. I stopped thinking about it and laid in my bathtub. I felt so small in that tub. It was so huge. I always found it ridiculous that my father insisted that the house should have very big tubs. 

I lathered myself in lavender oil that my father made. I was his test subject for anything he made. It could've burned my skin like the almond oil body wash he made, but it didn't this time. After a few minutes of relaxation, I dried off and got out of my tub. I dried my hair and put on my pair of pajama shorts and a big pajama shirt. I went downstairs to check on how the preparations for the wedding were going. My father was over near the sofa in our living room, talking to one of the men that were moving the furniture. For a whole week, our house would look like a wedding banquet. The ballroom was turned into an alter and the east side of the room was a home to a bunch of chairs and tables. They all were painted white with pink and blue bows on the chairs. It looked like we were hosting a baby shower. I sure hope that day wouldn't come.

With me and Penny's plan, I would be able to escape this hell. It would be so nice to just be away from drama and abusive men. As I drempt of my sweet escape, my father touched my shoulder. "I'm so glad you came down here Elizabeth. I need your input on what type of flowers should be arranged for the flower girl." My father made a hand gesture to one if his men to come over to where we were. The man displayed a variety of flowers. It was either Poinsettias, daisies, or roses. I pointed to the roses since I liked the color of them. I didn't care really since I wouldn't be here for t he wedding. My father gestured for the man to go away. The man disappeared quickly.

"You have matured a lot now, Elizabeth. I hope you will keep up the good behavior for the wedding." I nodded my head and walked upstairs. I needed some rest from all of this planning. It also stressed me out about my plan and how disappointed my dad would be to not walk me down the aisle. I shut the bedroom door behind me and sat on my bed, thinking about where I would take my first trip. I was thinking about going to Florida or maybe even Texas. I think Florida would be awesome. I could hang out at their beaches and learn how to surf. I could also get stung by a jellyfish for the first time. I don't know why that part made me so happy. I squealed in excitement. All of this thinking made me feel happy.

If I went to Texas first, I would have so much fun just rocking out to the country music or going to concerts. It would be so amazing to have a life time experience. But then again, I would miss Penny and Ash. That's all I would think about. Ash would be heartbroken if I left her alone to take care of her baby. Penny would be suffering with guilt of eating children. He tries to control it, but he just can't. I'm the only person who can help him control his dark side. Another thing I thought about was those kids that hang out with Bill Denbrough. They all are being tortured by Penny and are being bullied by Henry and his friends. If I left, they would be dead. I was planning to stop Penny from killing those innocent kids.

I hope u all enjoyed!

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