Coffee With Markimoo

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My friend Mark is coming to town soon, he is visiting me. We plan to go for coffee to talk, when he gets here. He'll be here soon, I'm going to the airport to get him. I live about an hour away so it's a long drive. I'm here! Where's Markidork? I see him walking to my car, a 1967 Cadillac Susan Divill. So I stud out, a bit. He gets in putting his luggage on the back seat. "Hey Markidork." I said cheerfully "Don't call me that!" He spoke. "Whatever. Ready for coffee?" I asked "Yep you?" He asked "Yep, oh what do you think of Caddy 8?" I asked him "Caddy 8? Where'd you get that name?" He asked confused as we drove off. "8 is im-between 7 and 9 and it's a Caddy so Caddy 8. Plus my family names our vehicles, my dad's blue truck is The General, my uncle's gold truck is Rombow, my uncle's white truck is Old Betsy. It's in my family, so what do you think?" I asked "She's beautiful just like her owner." He told me. "Stop you flirt." I told him. "Not until you notice me Senpie!" He whispered in my ear. "Your to much, I just mite have to punish you. Does baby boy want mama to punish him?" I asked him seductively. "Oh so I have a mama now?" He asked scouting closer. "Well yes but, let's wait to get home." I told him, I winked at him too. His cheeks dusted with bright red. "L-l-let's get coffee first." He said in the shaky voice. "Ok Markimoo." I said winking "Ok who's the flirt now?" He asked me smirking "The hottest people in the hottest car." I told him "That we are." He replied.

We arrived at our favorite coffee shop, we got our coffee and went to me house. We sat and drank our coffee.

"Hey Mark." I said "Yes (y/n)?" He asked "I love you, your so cute." I told him. "You gotta stop doing that." He said "What?" I asked "Saying things that make me wanna kiss you." He replied "What? So you do want mama?" I asked "Yes I do." He said getting up to kiss me. "Mark?" I said braking the kiss. "Yes love?" He asked pulling me close "I have a bedroom you know." I said. His cheeks were a bright red. "Let's go then." He replied picking me up bridal style. I skwermed in his arms, his hands on my back and thigh was a weird feeling. He walked up my staircase and luckily my spare bedroom door is open. He walked in and put me down. I kissed him deeply before shuting and locking my door. I pushed him on the bed, and took off my shirt, and started flexing "Like what you see?" I asked my (c/n) lace bra showing. He got up and took off his shirt, and started flexing for me. "This is how you do it." He told me. I touched his chest and looked at him, my eyes filled with lust. "We're playing that game are we?" He asked "Wait let me get me things." I said going to my dresser pulling out four handcuffs and a blindfold. "Lay down." I commanded. He did as told, I handcuffed and blindfolded him. I took off his pants and boxers, then went to take off my panties and bra. I got on top of him and started grinding on him, he let out a low moan. I teased his tip a bit, I suddenly went down. He gasped them let out a deep moan. "Fuck Merk." I moaned. He pounded into me, moaning loudly. "Goddamn (y/n)! I'm gonna," He yelled "Hold it for Mama." I moaned. He keep pounding away, "Cum for mama." I told him. He came inside me, and I came too. "Fuckń hell Merk." I said unhand cuffing him, and taking off his blindfold. I laid next to him, "What did you call me?" He asked "Merk, why?" I asked "Do you have and accent?" He asked he. "Ya, sorry." I said "No no I find it cute." He said cupping my face. "What accent do you have?" He asked "Southern, British, and Irish." I said a little embarrassed. "Awe, that's so cute!" He said yawning. "Sure Markidork." I replied. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day I wake up to a naked Mark, a naked me, and us cuddling. I blush madly remembering last night, Oh shit I slept with Mark. I get up and tiptoe by the window (I laughed my head off writing that. It's really funny to me, if you don't get it well I can't help you.) I heard Mark groan, I dash to the door and then to my room, so I can get dressed.

Mark's Pov: (It's been a while, I know!)

I wake up and groan, I realize I'm naked, and who I slept with just left the room. Holy shit I slept with (y/n)! I got up and put on my boxers that were on the floor. I go to (y/n)'s room and since the door is shut I knock, "Yes?" I hear her ask. "Can I come in." I ask back "Sure but, let me grab something." She replies. I open the door and sit on her bed so I can wait for her, she grabs a robe and puts it on. "So..... that happened." She said sitting down next to me. "Yeah, it was awesome." I replied "Well done Mark, well done." She added "What do you mean by that?" I ask a bit confused. "Your good in bed." She replied trying not to laugh. She giggled a bit, "What?" I asked more confused "You stole something of mine." She said smirking "What did I steal?" I said in my deep voice "Oh you know." She said walking out of the room. Oh she's not getting away that easily. I went after her, she was in the living room getting my bags "What are you doing? And what did I steal?" I asked "I'm getting your bags to the guess room and I'll tell you later." She said smirking more "Let me help." I said walking towards her. "No I got it." She replied somehow picking up all my luggage and putting it in my room. "Your magic." I said "No I'm a big sister." She replied "Makes sense. So you going to tell me what I stole?" I asked "Sure but, you already know." She added "So...?" I asked "My virginity." She said sitting on the bed "No way. Your a pro at that." I said picking her up bridal style. "Nope I've read lots of fanfics so I copied some of my own." She replies. I give her a kiss, "Sure so you write that stuff?" I asked "Yep. I can show you." She said escaping my grasp. "I'd like to see that." I replied. She grabbed my hand pulling me to her room and onto her bed, she let go to get her laptop. She typed a few things and showed me the screen, I began to read and my face become a bright red. "Y-y-you wrote t-t-this?" I asked a little shocked "Yep, every word. I write more than smut, I write fluff, action, funny bits, and a whole lot more. Like in one story I put, 'I tiptoe by the window.'" "Well hell." I said laughing "I think I need to make breakfast." She added "I'll help, what do you want to make?" I asked "Pancakes, maybe we can cover you in batter again." She added "Well if my princess wishes it." I said, I picked her up again same way as before and I kissed her. Her lips are so soft, I could kiss her all day. I wanted to deepen the kiss but, she wasn't having that. "Nuuuu, I need to make breakfast." She said trying to escape me. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu stay with meeeeeeeeeeeee." I reply "Yessssss." She added "One kiss?" I asked her "Fine but let me down." I put her down and grabbed her waist pulling her close. She held on the my neck, we shared a deep kiss. I harden a bit, she felt it she smirked. "Little excited are we?" She asked looking into her eyes with her (c/n) eyes. "We can make breakfast or..." her voice trailed off. "I choose dot dot dot." I said (LOL I did that on purpose! If you don't get it, look at what she said "We can make breakfast or..." there's three dots). She pushed me on to her bed and sat on my lap facing me, we shared another deep kiss. After a few minutes she gets up. Why? Why? Why? Your a fucking tease! "I'm well aware!" She yells from the living room.

Your POV:

"I'm well aware!" I yell from the living room. Yes I am a tease. But he loves it, he loves the chase and I love to be chased. Ha ha he has no idea what I did! I'm a fookń awesome noun! I thought. Mark walked into the living room I walked into the kitchen and he followed me. "How?" He asked. "How? Really? Dark hasn't told you? Well to answer your question I'm a fookń awesome noun!" I said "Noun? Person, place, or thing? So your not human?" He asked me "LOL nope~." I replied "What are you Then?" He asked "I'll give you a hint, Rage Mode." I said. His eyes widened with surprise "No, you can't be." He said a bit scared "No I am but, sadly I am the strongest one. Oh I wouldn't hurt you Mark. Don't worry." I replied hugging him "Demons may be jerks but you know me. I wouldn't hurt my best friend." I added "Thanks (y/n)." He adds. I get up and make chocolate chip pancakes for us, I call Mark and we eat breakfast. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing video games.

Night time:

Mark's pov:

Me and (y/n) decide to go to bed around 10:30. We walk up stairs and I head to the guest room but, (y/n) grabs my hand and pulls me to her room. "What are you doing?" I asked her "I get nightmares when people sleep in the guest room. So I'm having you be in here with me." She reply's "Oh ok." I added taking of my shirt getting in bed gesturing her to join me. She gets into her nightgown and shorts, then lays next to me. "Goodnight (y/n)." I replied cuddling her. "Goodnight Mark." She adds putting her head on my chest. We fell asleep in each other's arms and around one am (y/n) starts shaking. Then she gets up and walks to the guest room me following her. She opens the door and starts yelling at someone, "No you can't be here! Go away! Your not real, your not alive!." She yelled breaking into tears. Then I see it, she's yelling at a girl covered in blood, crimson blood. "You can't be here Nico." She says throw her tears. "Who's Nico?" I ask (y/n). "My best friend and she a murderer." She says "Who are you?!" Nico yells "I'm the man that will protect (y/n)! The one who you should be scared of." I yelled "Ha! Me scared of you? That's a laugh! What can a man like you do to a demon like me?" She asked in a deep demonic voice "A whole lot!" I said picking up (y/n) and carrying her away.

Cliff hanger! See you in the next chapter and your awesome!

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