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"Just one hit of you,
I knew I'll never be the same."

*The next day*

"Hayden, how many people have you dated?"


"Damnit I forgot you're just as bad at dating as me." I teased earning a punch on the shoulder causing me to wince in pain. "Ouch."

"Why are you so suddenly interested in my dating life?" Hayden questioned as propped himself up using his elbows looking over to me. We were currently laying down on my bed talking about the most random things as we always did.

"I'm not...hypothetically speaking what if I liked someone. How could I be sure that I actually really like them?"

"Hypothetically speaking if I were to answer your question it would be wrong because everyone has different ways of telling." I scoffed sitting up on the bed.

I turned to Hayden and pouted. "You're no help you know that?"

"What up with this boy crisis you're going through?" Hayden chuckled reaching one hand out to ruffle up my hair.

"I don't know," I whined plopping my hands on the bed. Hayden sat up fully now mimicking the way I was sitting, at least now I knew that I struck his attention. "Mickey kinda confessed he told me that he really liked me, and I told him that I really liked him too." I groaned.

Hayden chuckled "I thought that would be a good thing."

"That's the problem it is a good thing." I let out a large sigh tilting my head on the edge of his shoulder. "Good things don't tend to last long for us." I merely whispered.

"Give it a chance."

"What?" I simply asked.

"Go for it. You like him, don't you?" Hayden asked wrapping one of his arms around my waist. I nodded shamelessly into his shoulder. "Then fuck it go for it."

"Easier said than done."

"Then don't say it just do it."

"That made no sense, but at the same time made a lot of sense."



"Kaycee?" I asked as I approached the register. The brunette girl looked up at me a smile forming on her face.

"Mickey right?" I nodded. "What brings you here?"

"Well this is a food place so I suppose I'm here to eat," I answer Kaycee laughed picking up the note pad that sat next to her.

"And what is it that you want?"

I ordered my food and took a seat that was closest to the exit. This was a cute cafe. Everything was a bright pastel color from the tables to the tile. I scanned the place not many people were here except the few people that sat in from of the wall window and Nick. Wait, Nick?

He was sitting towards the corner of the cafe away from everyone else. I really don't wanna get up from my seat though. Most of the chairs except for the ones next to the window tables have chair cushions and mines just started to get warmer. 

There was no chance of him noticing me he was wag too into whatever he was doing on his phone.

Do I really have to say hi?

Maybe it's not even that necessary. He seems busy anyways. 

Come on Mickey stop being lazy. 

I groaned quietly letting my thoughts control my actions as I strode towards Nick pulling out a seat. "Hi." I breathed out taking a seat. Nick looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hey Mickey, is Jake here too?" He questioned.

I hummed. "Nope just me today."

"Well welcome to my home." He chuckled. "I spend ninety-nine percent of my time here."

"He's not lying." I long brown haired girl chimed in as she placed our food on the table.

"Annabelle? I don't know you were back." Nick said glancing up at the girl. She looked oddly familiar. Her facial features reminded me of Jake. She does really look like Jake, or is this the part where I start to see Jakes face everywhere? I guess I was starring for too long because she had finally questioned me.

"What?" she asked laughing lightly.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry, you just look like someone that I know."

"Jake?" Nick chuckled as he stuffed his face with the waffles he ordered. "They look so much alike, it's quite crazy."

"I don't look like Jake, he wishes he could look like this." She smiled. "And slow down before you choke."

"You know I'm always down for a good choke." Nick retorted causing me and Annabelle to laugh. "Anyways Mickey this is Anna, Anna this is Mickey the guy that's fond of Jake, if you know what I mean." I glared at Nick I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

"Mickey! It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Jakes told me about you so many times."

"Anna I know you're not officially back but you still have to work." Kayce called out from the counter. Anna pouted before waving 'goodbye'.

"I wonder if Jake knows she's back in town," Nick said putting down his fork on his now empty plate, mines had barely been touched yet. "Speaking of...are you too together yet," Nick questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

I shook my head and Nicks' mouth dropped. "Why not," he whined. "I'm gonna have to owe Ant 15 dollars." He huffed leaning back in his seat.

"I told Jake that I liked him and he said that he liked me too," The moment had been replaying in my head since last night. "But now I don't know what to do."

"You've come to the right place. Jakes extra do something extra!" Nick basically shouted causing a few people to look over to our corner. "sorry." He chuckled.

"I don't know."

"Listen to yourself whining like a bitch. Jake likes sweet things homemade but extra."

I placed my hand over my heart. "You just called me a little bitch."

"Hurry up and eat so we can plan." Nick hushed me.

I guess we're doing this.


It's been a while😅 I've been working I promise. A lot has been going on 🤦🏽‍♀️ high school sucks sooo much. But I still have 3 more painful years to go...

On the brighter side, ☀️ my new story is coming soon. No date yet just soon I want it to be perfect 👌🏾. And then there's something else I'm yet to say 🙊.

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