Part 4: Doorsteps and Outbursts

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Leo had driven all the way to El Masnou the next morning to drop Riley off, despite me telling him I would be fine to come and pick the boy up. Of course, Leo didn't listen to me and instead arrived just before midday with my son, who's face showed he had had a good time, and in fact seemed disappointed to be home.

"You didn't have to bring him all the way here, Leo." I scolded as we stood in the doorway, Riley lingering on the doorstep as so not to leave his friends just yet. "It's out of your way for training!"

Truth be told, although I did feel bad for him driving past his training ground just to return my son to me, I was also embarrassed by him seeing the area I lived in, however cliche that may sound. I loved El Masnou, I truly did, the coastal city was so beautiful and free, but I lived in a small, worn down building on the outskirts of the town. It was home to Riley and me, but to someone like Lionel Messi it must have seemed like nothing more than a shack.

"Don't be silly, I got to spend some time with my new friend Riley!" Leo smiled down at Riley, the young boy returning the gesture and giving the footballer a quick hug to say farewell. After Riley ran inside, Leo turned his attention to me "He's an incredible kid." A subconscious smile flashed across my lips, for it was rare anyone ever saw the same spark in my son that I did. "A promising little footballer too. I quite rate my Thiago, but Riley ran circles around him. I can't begin to think what he'd do if he started somewhere like our Youth Academy.."

"Lionel Messi are you pimping out my son to your football club?"

My teasing reply made him let out a soft laugh as he grinned up "I might just have to send some scouts to his little club - see if they see what I do."

I shook my head a little, as honestly, I rarely saw Riley play, for I never seemed to have time to go to his matches for meetings and events at the school - even back in England, I always prioritised my studies. Maybe in hindsight, I was an awful parent just like my mother always said.

"I'll see you, Leo." I hinted, knowing he was already running late for training, and had proceeded to stand on my doorstep for another 20 minutes.

His eyes widened as he clicked "Oh sh- yeah.." The Barcelona vice-captain chuckled again, leaning forward and kissing my cheek quickly, leaving a tingle on my skin as I watched him with puppy eyes. "I'll see you around, Avanna."

There was something so calming about the way my full name sounded coming from his lips, and it was only as I realised his car was long gone from my street and I was still stood in the doorway that the thought finally resonated properly with me, and I couldn't deny it.

I had a schoolgirl crush on Lionel Messi..


Riley hadn't stopped telling me about his night, telling the same story multiple times as he ran around the living room where I was sat trying to work.

It was mock exam results week and I had yet to finish the last class' papers. I had gotten many done the night before, but still had a few to do. They took great attention when marking, for I had to analyse every phrase for grammatical mistakes or spelling difficulties, and I found that I was repeatedly making mistakes in my own marking as I tried to listen to my son as well.

He was excitedly telling me about how this morning, he played football with Thiago and Leo , and I heard the broken conversation of what happened, and who scored, and how Mateo was the goalkeeper, but I couldn't fully focus on what he was saying. Riley had picked up on my lack of focus, starting to keep checking I was listening to which I had to constantly nod along to.

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