Part 14: Airports and Emotions

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a/n: 1k reads and #3 in messi tag! thank you so much for the support<3

only mentions of leo in this chapter, but i promise i have a chapter planned out for the next one with lots of cute moments and a mini bit of steam:)

don't forget to vote and comment!


Barcelona's training sessions now the season had re-started meant that I had been left alone with three young boys to fend for myself as we attempted to navigate our way around the airport.

Riley and Thiago has been fairly happy up until that point, as I had taken them to a play area to satisfy them whilst I got coffee with Aine and Sofia, but once the tiredness had kicked in, they were incredibly vocal about their want to go back home. Mateo had been rather content, most of the morning being in the extravagant pushchair Leo owned. He had a small moment as we were sat in Costa, upset that I wouldn't allow him to have anymore chocolate, but apologised almost straight away and had proved to be good as gold ever since.

He had called me Mama a few more times in that week, specifically when the two of us were alone without the other boys' presences. Mainly, it was accidental in situations much identical to the first time it had slipped out, but he had slowly become more confident in saying it openly.

At that moment, he was happily asleep in his stroller whilst I struggled to contain two grumpy 5 year olds who were insisting that, if I loved them, I would buy them ice cream. It would have probably been simpler to give in to their moans and buy them the ice cream they wanted, but I knew then, especially Riley, would begin to expect it at every second. Their complaining was getting louder, and I was incredibly grateful that the flight arrival for the plane from Liverpool to Barcelona was announced and the four of us were finally able to move through the airport to where I needed to wait: or rather three of us could walk whilst I pushed the sleeping curly haired boy in the stroller.

On the screen, it said that the plane had landed, and it wasn't long before I received a text from Troi saying he was waiting for his luggage. From the smiley face he added at the end, I assume the journey had gone smoothly. Thomas and I had planned it out carefully, with him putting Troi on the plane in England, and me meeting him at the airport on the other side.

As we waited for him to come through the gate, I felt a pang of excitement in my stomach at the prospect that I was about to see my younger brother again, as although it had only been around three months since I last saw him for my own birthday, it was way too long considering how close our blood relation was. I had missed his and Violet's fifteenth, too, although I knew Troi didn't care as he understood how awkward the situation between me and my extended family - particularly my aunt who had defended the father of my son shortly before I left for Spain.

Tommy had told me he wanted desperately to come and see Riley and me, but the situation with Maisy had become too uncertain for him to leave Liverpool. She was overdue now, and it was planned for her to be induced that Tuesday, finally bringing my niece into the world. The couple had not told many people the plan to be induced, but Thomas had shared it with me on a facetime call we had when Maisy hit 39 weeks. She was now 41 weeks, and the midwives had been clear to the two of them that the best thing to do would be to have the baby before she went too far over 42 weeks, as that would be when there would be a risk of additional behavioural problems that could affect the child.

Before I could get too far into my thoughts, making myself rather reminiscent of being pregnant with Riley, the gate opened and people began flooding out. Troi wasn't too far in the group, and the second Riley spotted his uncle he sprinted towards the teenager to embrace in a large hug.

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