Chapter Four - I think I'm falling

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I think the ball was one of the best times for me. Everyone was wearing traditional dresses from their contry, and everyone looked just amazing. While some of the people where dancing, other people where talking to eachother and drinking wine. I was walking around looking at the table where al my presents where, and I can tell you that if you invite maybe more than 117 people, there are atleast as many presents ar there are people. 

I sat down on a chair in the big dining room, watching Lilly dance with Pierre. They were practicly the only ones using the whole dance flor to dance on. Lilly was standing on Pierres feet as he was spinning around with her. Lillys smile was the most beautiful part of it, and Pierres hapy face showed that he enjoyed it to. You could see that both fancied eachother, because of the way they smiled at eachother. I was wondering how I would looke when I would be inlove. What it would feel like...

I had never been inlove. Yeah sure I had had crushes on people, but never really 'In Love' like mom and dad or Lilly and Pierre. 

I looked around for mom and dad, and as I saw them they where sitting with an, not old man, but he was maybe in his 50s. He was surely Guiseppe Salvatore. Suddenly I asked myself why mom and dad where talking to Guiseppe al the time. They used to walk around and talk to everybody. I suddenly came to think of something. Wher was his son Damon? I think I saw him as I walked down  the stairs. I could remember those blue eyes perfectly. Linn, my friend from Japan had toled me about Damon and how good looking he was. She also said that she would make shoure that I would dance with him tonight. 

I was still looking around looking for people that I knew, when  one of Queen Sophias son Alejando. Politly I said yes, eaven if I didn't want to dance at al. He took my hand and we started to dance the walz together. I looked around the dancefloor and saw Linn, dancing with...I didn't really know who it was because I couldn't see his face. She looked at me and smiled. Suddenly she started dancing twoards me, and and her partner moved backwards and turned around, just for me to see who it was, Damon Salvatore. I knew Linn was planing something, and I hope it would go painless. His eyes met mine, and a litle smile spred across his handsome face. I could see that he was looking at my dress, and aperently my face and hair to. I looked away, trying not to blush. Suddenly I fellt that I and Alejandro had stopped dancing. He let go of my waist and turned around looking at Linn and Damon, but obviously just having eyes for Linn. 

"May I take this dance Ms. Linn?" he asked in a spanish accent and smiled. I felt a bit ignored there, as he walked away from me with Linn. She turned around and winked at me, and now I knew that she and Alejandro had been planing this.

I looked up at the boy infront of me. His deep blue eyes where watching me, and his perfect looking face was having a litle smile on his face. He was taler than me, but not so much taller right now, because I had high-heals on.

He took my hand in a gentle move and walked closer to me as we started dancing slowly. Mom would probably have thinked that such a move, just starting to dance with some one with out asking, was rude, but as I looked at her, she was looking at me smiling as dad and Guiseppe where talking. I could feel his warm body twoards mine and I could feel my checks getting hoter every second, but I was telling my self not to blush. It wasn't a good time right now. He took his other hand around my waist, and we finaly started danking like everybody around us. 

"So how has your day been?", he asked me in a polite voice with and Italian accent. I went comepleatly stiff because of his perfect voice. 

"Brilliant actually", I said and try to hide the feeling of me inside, that I was going to melt.

He smiled and took a firmer gripp around my waist. I felt strange with him. I felt diffrent. I felt like I could just disapear into the ground, just because of the great feeling I was having in my hole body. 

Suddenly the voice started talking and everyobody stopped dancing, including me and Damon, but he didn't let go of my hand nore my waist.

The voice asked everybody to go and sitt down on the table in the big dining room. Everybody was starting to move, but Damon still didn't let go of me. As I gently pushed him away from me, he let go and a big smile grew on his face. He was truly handsome, but I couldn't show that. 

I started walking slowly into the dining room, waiting for what was going to happen in there...

You could sit wherever you wanted, exept for the reserved places. Mom was sitting at the far end of the table. Dad was sitting on her left side and Damon on my dads left side. Guiseppe was sitting on my moms right side, and I was sitting on Guiseppes side, wich made me sitt right infront of Damon. Great i thought with a bitter thought. It wasn't that I didn' think Damon was atractive, on the contrary. But the problem was, the closer I was to him there was a big chance of me blushing,or my food would fal onto the dress while I was staring at him...

On my other side Lilly was sitting. She was pretty happy, not only because she was sitting on my side, but because Jean Pierre was sitting on Damons other side, wich made him sit infront of Lilly.

The voice came again, and told us what the food was going to be.

"We start with a litle piece of Salmon, for that you can drink water or for you people over 18 you may choose wine. A main dish we are having fillet of beef with salad and to drink you may choose lemon water, or a little bit of red wine. A dessert you will be eating chocolate pudding, our princess favorite.

Did the voice have to say that. 

"What a lovely mix of food", Damon said and smiled charmingly at me. I politlely smiled back at him. The kitcken doors opened and the first dish was starting to be served.

"So Damon", Mom said curiously. "What do you do now on your free time?".

"Well", Damon started. "I like to ride out with my horse Belleza..."

"And Belleza means beauty", Guiseppe said smiling and winked at me. Why did everyone have to look at me when we where talking about beauty?

"Exactly", Damon said. " She likes to ride in the fealds and in the forests. I also read books and play the piano".

"Well that's nice" my father said. "Lydia playes the piano too, maybe you two should play together sometime. It would be pretty nice to hear you play again Lydia".

"Sometime when you come and visit us again" I said and smiled at Damon who smiled amused by the thought.

"So Nicholas, you havn't toled her?" Guiseppe asked my dad and I was feeling confused now.

"Told me what?" I triend sounding calmly as I took up my glas with water and started to drink it.

"We are staying here for some weeks here in Genovia before we are going to back to Italy" Damon said and started drinking his white wine.

What? was my first thought as I started caughing because i couldn't swallow the whater rightly. Lilly started patting me on the back to make me feel better.

"Well that's...nice" I said and smiled weakly at Guiseppe.

"It's going to be pretty fun", Guiseppe said and winked at Damon who gave his father and angry look. As he noticed that I wasn watching he atomaticly switched to his smile again, but this time I could see it was no real smile. Suddenly the waiters gave us our salmon and mother said:

"Bon appetite".

"Bon appetite", everybody replied. I watched Damon as he started to eat. 

There was somehting my parents weren't telling me, something that had with Damon Salvatore to do...

What is it you're not telling me? (inspiration from Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now