Part 6 : Jealousy

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       Hi guys back with an update. Hope it lives up to your expectations.

Two days later .

            Swara liked the chaos that comes with waking up.  The hustle to get ready and still find time to cook for him ,kept her busy till she took her leave for work .

         So she was pleasantly surprised when she saw him in the kitchen ,she must be hallucinating she hoped but yet his presence filled the room that she had to finally relent and admit Sanskar Maheshwari was in her house .

              " Sanskar Tum.." She began but before she could speak more her mother made an appearance .

           " Why don't you join us for breakfast beta " her mom invite made her wonder what was going on in her house . Sanskar turned to follow her but swara curiosity won out as she held on to his hand and halted him from leaving .

         " What going on " she asked him .

         " I don't know swara ,your dad called and asked to see me before I head to office " Sanskar voiced out ,he had believed swara was aware of the reason hence took the first opportunity to go after her to find his answers .

              He knocked the door all the awhile wondering what could be the reason for the invite ,swara mom opened the door and let him know her husband will join him shortly and swara was in the kitchen .

            He didn't know if he was a guest in the house or a family member but he took the risk of walking inside the kitchen to find her and her shocked expression made him aware ,swara was clueless about her father call .

                Thankfully ragini didn't wake up early that day and hence only dadi accompanied the dinning hall . Swara was worried about him as he remained silent through out breakfast .

             " Sanskar beta can you drop me off at office ,and swara you can join us " her father casual invite surprised both of them and yet they found themselves following through it .

               Sanskar waited anxiously for swara dad to speak up ,the wait and the agony of his silence was worrying him .Yet he kept his attention to the road and still sneaked glances at swara who seemed nervous as well .

             " Let talk in my cabin " Shekar spoke up and waited till the two of them followed him . Swara hand reached out and held his in a show of support or maybe she needed his support .

                 As they stepped inside Shekar  Gadodia office ,he simply asked them to sit and went back to looking his file and after five minutes of silence it was swara who spoke up finding her voice .

         " Dad what going on ?" Swara made herself speak up. She was nervous and worried but the wait was making her more tensed .

        " Already impatient , Look Swara ,you were my daughter who never had a father till now and I can't march into your life and act like one . That why I waited ,waited till you make up your mind about your marriage .

       And yet you both kept your silence till now ,and only last night you mom told me ,you were gonna go with divorce . While I know I don't deserve to be notified about your decision . I felt I need to let you know, all I want is your happiness . 

             That was why I wanted to talk with you before the divorce get finalized .  Sanskar I could never thank you enough for everything you did for us and I would like it if you always remained like a son to me , no matter how your path diverges from Swara . And Shona I never been Much of a father to you ,but I promise to stand by you this time,   You both  may go now " with the simply statement swara realized her father was done speaking .

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