Chapter 15

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Thanks to @Akatsuki-redmoon for the help on this :) Next chapter I write will be dedicated to my new follower @BobbieQuella :D Thanks guys! Anyway Enjoy!! :P

Not changed since last time :)


Manami's POV

"Alright Sasori, almost finished just have to fix your hand and you can have a fully functioning body back." I spoke to the cylinder tube sitting beside me. I fixed the last bits and pieces and then got ready to put his core into the right side of his chest. I took a deep breath as I knew he wasn't going to be happy with what I had done but what was I suppose to do? I did nearly run out of materials after fixing myself up. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the scolding that was to come.

"Alright I hope this works." I said to myself as I put his core into the hole in my puppets chest. I watched as his eyes slowly started to open and I sighed in relief knowing it had worked.

"Did the brat complete the mission?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth before anything else and I giggled.

"Yeah, he also saved both our lives as well so you should cut him some slack." I smiled slightly at him and he huffed in return. He then turned his attention to his new body walking to a mirror and checking it over. I watched as his eyes widened then he turned to face me with the deadliest glare I had ever seen.

"I'm sorry but I had limited supplies so this was all I could manage after fixing myself." I smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck trying to take him seriously in that form. I had made his body look like he did when he was a young child as I had to make a smaller puppet for him due to the lack of wood I had available. I tried hard to stop the oncoming giggle at the cute little glare he was giving me and stopped myself from going up to pinch his little wooden cheeks.

"The brat can't see me like this!" Sasori growled slightly at me. I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing at the cute little pout he was making which earned me an even more unamused look.

"This isn't funny Manami!" he snapped and I was now clutching my sides with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm... I'm s-sorry... it's j-just too.... hard t-to take you seriously when you... you l-look like that!" I stifled out between fits of laughter. I was finally able to take a breath and calm down when I noticed how annoyed Sasori was at this moment. "Sorry." I coughed to clear my throat and he seemed to calm down a little which made me a little nervous.

"I must admit you got every detail down to a tee! You must have stared at me long and hard when we were younger to achieve such a feat, was I that cute?" he teased me with a cocky smirk and I felt my face redden and he chuckled at my reaction. I started to get really annoyed at how he was able to turn the tables so quickly.

"I did not say you were cute!" I snapped slightly and he chuckled again.

"That's not what Akumu said. I have also noticed the sideways glances you give me when you think I'm not looking." he taunted me further and I scoffed at him averting my gaze and sitting down on the bed knowing I was definitely very, very crimson by now.

"Don't turn away from me Manami. I love to see you blush, it makes you look cute." he whispered in my ear and I looked up to glare at him.

"Why are you so flirty all of a sudden?" I asked trying to get him to leave me alone. He backed off slightly but his smirk was still plastered on his face.

"I just thought I'd have a little fun. I heard the conversations you had with me while I was without a body and I must admit they intrigued me. I wanted to see your reaction if I were to do some of the things you said I would never do." he sniggered and I froze to the spot.

"Y-you could still hear what I said when you didn't have a body?" I stuttered slightly and he laughed this time at my expression.

"Yes and I have to admit I find the thought of you coming up and squeezing my cute little cheeks quite amusing or maybe you would just like to check out my ass more?" he tormented me and I felt like I wanted to go die in a hole.

"That was a private conversation! And it was when I was designing your teenage body before I found out I ran out of wood!" I growled slightly and he grinned.

"A private conversation directed towards me."

I averted my gaze to the ground too embarrassed to look him straight in the eyes. I jumped slightly when he grabbed my chin and forced my to look at him. I found myself getting lost in his chocolate brown orbs, forgetting he looked like a child but quickly snapped myself out of it and managed to push him away.

"I was only joking Manami. If it makes you feel better I could just pretend the whole thing never happened." he tried to make me feel better and I put on the best fake smile I could before thanking him. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"How about I make it up to you?" he asked me and I looked at him silently telling him to continue.

"When we get back and I get one of my spare puppets, why don't we go out without the brat around and spend some time together; just the two of us?"

I looked up at him slightly surprised at the new attitude he had but didn't argue and nodded in agreement.

"That sounds nice." I nodded going back to my stoic look and walking off towards the door to get as far as possible from Sasori before I screamed like a schoolgirl. I never used to feel this way around him so what's changed? I sighed when I realized that his Jutsu probably prevented him from feeling the same way and walked off to go sulk for a while and try to shake off this sickly sweet feeling.

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