Chapter 29

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This chapter is dedicated to @AnaMorris3. Thank you for following me, it means so much! <3

Sorry this chpter is short but I promise the next one will be longer :D I also promise all of my followers will get a chapter dedication eventually even if it's not on this story so thank you very much for your patience, tigz xx :)


Sasori's POV

"You live around here?" I asked Fujiko when we entered a forest not far off from the village. She nodded in response and smiled at me. I found myself smiling back for some unknown reason. My head had felt really cloudy the past day or so and it was becoming increasingly difficult to think straight.

"Thank you so much for helping me back there Sasori-san" she replied to me and I nodded continuing to walk with her. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" she questioned and I stopped walking to face her.

"Actually yes there might be something you can do" I began and she waited patiently for me to continue. "I was wondering if you knew anything about an antique that is rumoured to be around here. It's an orb, one of five actually. I don't suppose you know where I could begin looking for something like that?" I quizzed and she looked down sadly.

"I'm so sorry Sasori-san. I have never heard of any orbs around here. I'm so sorry" she repeated and I went to put my hand on her shoulder but froze when I heard her crying.

"Why are you upset?" I wondered.

"Because you have been so nice to me and I can't even help you. I'm so sorry. Maybe your friend was right, maybe I am just a hindrance? I'm never any use to anyone" she sobbed and I had the sudden urge to grab her chin and make her look me in the eyes. Before I knew it everything had went really foggy again and I couldn't gather any thoughts.

"S-Sasori?" I heard a voice whisper and I knew it somehow but couldn't remember how I knew it. It was so familiar and so comforting but it sounded so broken and it hurt me to hear that. I suddenly remembered Manami and I snapped out of my daze, remembering my promise to her and remembering how much I cared for her. When I came back to reality I noticed I was kissing Fujiko and I pulled away quickly only to hear another, more annoying, less comforting voice yell, "What the hell Danna, un?" I turned around and saw Deidara who was giving me a very hateful look.

"What the hell were you doing? Manami didn't see this did she?" he growled slightly and I suddenly remembered Manami and my mind started to becoming very clear. I remembered her being here and began to walk in the direction of where I saw her run off. I'm such an idiot! What the hell happened to me? I let myself lose focus and ruined Manami's trust in me.

"Wait, I will help search for her too" I was stopped and turned around by Fujiko but I quickly pushed her aside and continued on my way, ignoring her protests. "Fine then. I guess my hold on you has worn off but no matter I have given Hakujo enough time to retrieve his daughter, meaning I can finish you two off" I turned around and noticed Fujiko had turned into Akumu and she was smirking at me with an evil look spread across her face.

"Wait, he is retrieving his daughter?" I questioned, letting the information sink in. Once it did I ran in the direction of Manami only to be stopped by Akumu.

"And where do you think you are going?" she hissed at me and I turned around throwing a kunai in her direction.

"Deidara handle this" I yelled feeling panicked. He nodded and attacked Akumu while I made a run for it. I can't believe Manami is in danger, I promised I would protect her and I let this happen? Please don't let me be too late. I ran faster feeling my head swirl with thoughts of what might have happened to Manami which made me have a sinking feeling in my chest. I came to an abrupt halt when I noticed Manami's scrolls lying on the ground with no one else in sight. Damn it I was too late!

"She got away, un. What about Manami?" Deidara said when he finally caught up to me and I found myself balling my fists up in frustration.

"She's gone" I told him before grabbing Manami's scrolls and walking back into town at agonizingly slow pace. I failed her again and now I'm not even sure if I will ever see her again. She thinks I cheated on her and I will never get to explain myself to her and tell her how much she means to me. If I could cry I know I would be right now, I miss her so much.

Manami's POV

I groaned as I awoke and felt a sharp pain in my head. I opened my eyes and looked around me only to realize I had no idea where I was. I was in some strange cave that was barely lit with a single torch on the wall. I pressed my hand on my head as the pain began to double but as I looked down at my hands, I noticed they had a strange marking on them. It was the kanji for hate and it was glowing green with a dotted circle running around it.

"So you are finally up" I looked up and noticed Hakujo smiling down at me and I glared back. "Manami, my sweet Manami" he said sorrowfully coming up and rubbing my face with the back of his hand. I backed away from him and he became frustrated and cupped my face in his hands making me stare into his cold, calculating eyes.

"Manami, my darling. I don't want to force you into doing what I want, that's why I am going to ask nicely. Will you help me find the orbs?" he asked me and I scoffed at him.

"Why would I help you when Sasori and Deidara will be on their way to help me?" I laughed bitterly and he smirked at me.

"When Akumu gets back you will see your precious friends dead. That puppet boy you love so much will be dead" he informed me and I felt my heart begin to race. Don't listen to him Manami, he's lying. Just then Akumu walked through the door looking a little worse for wear.

"Well what news have you?" Hakujo asked and she made an annoyed face before stating' "They are still alive". I let out a sigh of relief and smirked up at my father only for my smile to drop at what he said next.

"You will help me dear" he replied to my smirk and I laughed at him. Has he lost his mind?

"I would never help you, not after what you have done" I growled and he sighed at me.

"Very well, have it your way. I didn't want to have to use this on you but you leave me no choice. See the kanji on your hand?" he said pointing at the marking on my hand. "It is a secret technique I developed. It will take all the hate you feel for me and redirect it towards those you love. It will overwhelm you and then eventually you will come to love me, you will help me. Then when the time comes you will kill the kid and your beloved puppet" he chuckled darkly. I felt rage build up and tried to punch him but a puppet had came up behind me and restrained me.

"I am sorry sweetheart but I will have your undying love, one way or another" he said sadly and before he finished the hand signs I made sure to tell him, "I will never truly love you, not of my own free will" The next thing I knew the mark on my hand started glowing and I screamed at the pain it caused. What the hell is he doing to me?

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