Chapter 17

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hehe gotcha ewe if u guys thought that was really the end then shame on you XD jk jk anyway cant believe i got 400+ reads on this on story O.O it surpassed even my first and second story damn QwQ


Natsu's POV

"Lucy!!!" I was back in my body somehow but Lucy wasn't with us. I then heard a huge explosion somewhere and lights coming from the stadium. I started running, all the way thinking of Lucy. Everyone followed, even Raven Tail and the other dark guilds. The Council stopped us from going any further though. "Move out of the way!! Lucy is back there!"

"I'm sorry Dragneel Natsu, but you can't get past this spot. It was a request from your nakama, Heartfilia Lucy," a guy with glasses spoke, standing a few feet from me. My anger grew and I burst into flames. He didn't even flinch.

"Move. Out. Of. The. WAY!!!" Erza stopped me before I could land a punch.

"Natsu, calm down. It won't do us any good going against them......" She looked serious, and lowered her arm. Gray took to my left and Wendy with Happy and Charle were behind me. Soon everyone was either beside me or behind. I know why too..... 'Lucy.....'

Lucy's POV

"W-wha?" I was almost half naked since my clothes were all battered as my body was and laying in someone's arms. Looking up I saw it was Luke's. "Why did you help?"

" are my cousin. I don't want my family to get harmed. Besides.....I wasn't in control of my power when you noticed 'me'," Luke spoke like a small child that was in trouble, very quietly and guilty. I knew it all along, since I've remembered meeting Luke before when we were children. He was interested in the Dark Celestial magic, but would never use it for harm.

"I know, it was Minerva....." My voice was barely a croak, since I probably got my throat damaged somehow during the blast. Soon I could hear Happy and Natsu running towards us, but I didn't have much time being conscious. " will be fine."

"No." With that, I didn't feel the ground beneath me. Luke carried me towards them, and before I could see Natsu and Happy, I blacked out.

Luke's POV

Lucy blacked out as soon as I moved her, which was not a good sign. Natsu and his friend ran here, yelling for her. The limiters in her body somehow came back one by one, making her condition worse by the second. At this rate, she'll die in less than 10 minutes.

"Lucy! C'mon wake up! Luce!!!" Natsu took Lucy out of my arms while the rest of the fairies came behind him. Erza and Gray both punched me away.

"Stay away from our Lucy!!" They both yelled, but Natsu spoke up.

"Guys, its fine. Lets just move he-"

"If you move her any more than this she will die here in less than 10 minutes!!" I interrupted Natsu, which they all responded by becoming pale. Natsu held Lucy tighter, and they all errupted.

"How?? Lucy is strong!!"

"Lucy isn't weak at all! She is our angel!"

"Lucy-san is one of the strongest girls I know, she wouldn't over something like this!"

"It's because of us that she has been so we might lose her..."

"There is a way for her to recover, but it might......risk something of her own. We can't do anything at this point, right now all we can do is hope," I spoke up, and every guild member went quiet. Natsu looked back down to Lucy, tears slowly forming in his eyes. Soon, Happy started crying and the rest followed suit. ' I see........maybe she CAN come back....' I thought as flashes of memories went past me and everyone's minds, all about Lucy. They knew that she was their most precious nakama, and would do anything for them. They have the strongest bonds with her while I.........just tried to break them.......I really am so useless...

Lucy's POV

"Luce!!..." I could hear Luke's, Natsu's, Happy's, and the rest cry my name. I wanted to cry out to them, but the dark murky water wouldn't let me. The big space I was floating in grew brighter by the milisecond, and soon it was bright white.

"Wha-...?" My body hurt so much and when I tried to move it screamed in pain. I could hear voices, all familiar. " !!!!! "

"Celestial King??? Loke? Aquarious?" My body now was fully recovered, and my voice was back. Loke was about a few meters away from me, standing and waving at me. However....... " WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!?"

" Lucy-sama, that is not lady-like," Capricorn appeared next to Loke. Looking down, I could comfirm three things; 1) I could see the Earth from here, 2) I was not in Spirit World, and 3) I WAS FREAKING FLOATING!!!

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I started flailing around in a panic, while Capricorn and Loke chuckled while WALKING towards me to help. Capricorn held me while Loke tried to calm me down. "Show offs....."

"Well you will get used to it eventully," Loke said matter-of-factly. Capricorn shot him a look while I just made a confused look. Capricorn waved it off and continued.

"Anyway, Lucy-sama. Do you remember the contract you had made in order to be able to get those extra powers?" Capricorn pointed down to a part of Fiore, where my body was and everyone surrounded me. Lissanna and Levy were sobbing, and everywhere I could see there was crying. Erza hid behind her hair bangs and silently cried, and Natsu was holding me tight while tears rolled down. Getting a closer look,  I could see why.

"I'm......dead? How?? The limiters-" I started but got cut off.

"The limiters didn't work as we all thought they would, and sped up your death in Earthland. However, there is a way to go back......but you already know the sacrifice, don't you?" Loke and Capricorn both looked at me as I slowly nodded while trying to hold back my tears. 11 years ago, when I left to train with Saphira, I had to make a contract. A big one.

Flashback to 11 years ago

"Contract? I have to make a contract with whom?" I asked, expecting a fellow dragon to reply or even an elf. Instead, some chuckled and others just plain laughed. Saphira simply smiled at me and explained.

"Its not with who, but with what. You are going to make a contract with each and every world, including Earthland. However, we will have to explain how it works and the pros and cons," Saphira began, and explained throughout as so I could understand. And let me say, I am thankful. It sounded really complicated. "Okay last thing, when you are near death, which I highly doubt that you would be, you would need to make a sacrifice only IF you want to come back. It doesn't matter what usually but I guess that depends on your reason for going back. The limiters should help you avoid death however, so no worries."

End Of Flashback

"The limiters didn't help this time around though....." I murmured to myself once I was done with my memory. I looked at my hands and thought my decisions over and over for about 10 minutes. Good thing this isn't the Spirit world or else I would've lost a lot of time back on Earth. I made my decision and spoke up.

"Earthland, I made my decision. I sacrifice....."

Natsu's POV

"Look! Lucy is moving again!" I heard Stripper yell out, pointing at Lucy's body in my arms. I looked down to her and sure enough he was right. Luce!

"Luce! You are awake!" I held her tighter, my heart pounding. Her eyes fluttered open and looked around. Then she showed confusion. Her mouth opened as if to say something, but nothing came out. What's going on?? "Luce....?"

"She......can't speak or remember anything...." Luke spoke softly, but I heard him. Say what?

"What do you mean she can't speak or remember??? Lucy always remember!!" I shouted to him, and Lucy flinched. She saw Luke and her face lit up. She jumped from my arms and went to hug him. I don't know why, but when I saw that I felt so........weird. My breath got caught and I could feel my heart clench. What the hell was going on?

"L-l-l....." I could hear her trying to say something, and Luke just stood frozen. After a minute or two, she could finally say it. "L-luke!!"

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