Chapter 22

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Meof~ doing this chappy would drain me my time .-. trying to make them longer for yall......SINCE I GOT OVER 1 K READS >8)  AHHH I FEEL SO AWESOME OAO anyways XD thank you for the reads and votes owo oh and yes that pic is Ren and Lin ouo;


Lucy's POV

"Okay, you got the hang of it! That was quicker than I expected....." Fae said while jumping up and down with glee. Tiredly, I put the weapon away into the holder she gave me with it. Luckily, it was able to snap perfectly into my belt. I decided to just do it behind me, by my lower back. I had my keys and other stuff in my sides so I was full there. " look like a tempesta tiempe femme Lucielle!!"

"Uh....what?" Fae and her fairy tale names always confused me. Even though I had trained a bit with the elves and fairies, I was always confused with their culture since it was all wrong from the human versions.

"Haha! I forgot, you haven't been around long enough. A tempesta tiempe femme is a female noblewoman who was skilled in almost all the arts of fighting and magic. However, they were extremely powerful so it was thought they were usually named "Slayers" then their noble name which was an honor bestowed by our Fairy nation. The last recent tempesta was a red haired woman who had the magic of Control Weapon or Requip that disappeared more than 20 years ago I believe. I think her name was Llerna or something like that...." Red haired? Erza??? No, Fae said it was more than 20 years ago.....but.....Erza's age......

"Erza......" I muttered. Fae poked my cheek and I shook my thoughts away. I looked up to find her smiling. "What?"

"You really love them that much, huh? Lucielle, don't try to hide either. Everyone in this kingdom knows how attached you are to them........why not go back?" 'Fae....if you only knew what was at risk if I went back to them now.....' " If I only knew what? C'mon you should know I can read your mind!"

"S-shut up!!" I blushed really deep red and looked away. "Lets just go.........<////<" I heard her giggle and laugh behind me while packing my stuff and heading back. 'Natsu.........wait.....why am I thinking of him????' When I equipped my flight outfit, I shook my head and concetrated in flying. Even thought I knew Aera magic, I prefered my other magic. Don't want to really overuse one single magic. When we arrived, I greeted everyone as usual and went up to my room.

"Lucy!!" Yelling my old name, Ren and Lin tackled and hugged me down. They were both teary faced. WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE??

Lin's POV

My brother and I tackled Lucy down, and hugged her tighly. She barely seemed to notice though. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE????"

"We tried tracking you down, with our magic! Why did you leave again????" My brother demanded an answer, and I did too. Lucy's face calmed down and relaxed when I felt an intruder in my head.

"You.....were what?" I gasped, and jumped up and down after getting up from tackling her. She brushed off some dust and continued playing a movie in my head.


" want to go back down there don't you? With Fairy Tail I mean...." Loke looked at me with a sad but energetic expression, and I nodded. I knew what I was risking, but I would do anything to be with my nakama again.....

"Lucy-sama, that would just make you someone else entirely, not exactly a Celestial Spirit or a human.....more like something greater. The powers you earned would become yours entirely or disappear.........would you still do it? Risk it?" Capricorn put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me worriedly. I could feel everyone else.....even though I can't see them. I nodded again, not hesitating. "Your....memory would be gone as well....probably. You might replace HER as you go back......would you still do it?"

"Capricorn, I believe we know her final answer. Go ahead Lucy.......choose another you!"


Lucy's POV

I finished my memory transfer from that one scene, and no more. The twins beamed and started celebrating. "Lucy is here with us! Lucy is here with us!! She got to keep everything!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!"

"Heh, calm down you two. I only showed you guys so you could pass it to Saph and the other two jokers. No sharing other than them, got it? I have to keep it a secret or else I would be pulled back to nothingness and no memories," I said, and gladly accepted their responses. They nodded and went out. I forgot that Saph and the others would be staying here with me, along with Yuki-chan. Since she is a celestial wizard too, we would train together. Looking out the window, I could distinctly feel their presence outside. Even thought I know my adventure with all of them is nearly over, I would never be able to forget them through my heart.

Happy's POV

"NATSU!!!!" Charle and I flew in from outside into the guild. "LUCY'S TEAM IS GONE TOO!!" I yelled in a panic, insanely worried now. Natsu looked at us with wide eyes and his own panic set in.

"NANIIIII????!" He ran out and I followed him while Charle informed everyone else what happened. Natsu barged in the now empty house that Lucy and her team were staying in, and started running around. "Their scent is still fresh, Happy! Wait.......I SMELL LUCY TOO!" At that, I knew he would panic.....really bad.

"A-ano, Natsu? Lets go back to the guild! We can talk it out with the others!! And have fish too!!" Natsu went down to his knees, and didn't respond. I walked carefully to his side, really worried. 'I have never seen Natsu like this........Does he like Lushy that much? Does he realize it?'

Natsu's POV

My head wouldn't stop thinking about Lucy, especially being surrounded by her scent. Why???? Why???? I have to find her........

"Natsu?" I heard Happy repeat my name several times, but I couldn't concetrate. Finally, I snapped.

"UUUUGH!!! WHY CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT LUCY!!!!!" I punched the wall nearest to me while getting up and it cracked. I felt fustrated, and I hated not knowing why. "BRAIN STOP THINKING ABOUT LUUUUCYYYYYYY!!!!" I gripped my hair and did my usual messing it up routine. Then, at that moment, I noticed something. There was a letter, right on a desk by the kitchen. I stopped, got up, and went towards it. The letter was titled To Natsu and held some sort of a marking. I picked it up and took a sniff. 'It doesn't smell like Lucy......but it does smells like the twins and Ruka. Why is it for me though?' "Hey Happy, lets take this back so someone could read it for us! It looks complicated =v=;"

"Aye, aye sir!" Happy seemed really glad to get back, and I was glad too. I am now one step closer to Lucy and our friends once we read this letter! 'I WILL get you back Lucy!!'

Lucy's POV

"Achoo!" I sneezed, and the papers flew from my hand. Sighing, I picked them back up. After putting them away in the desk in my bedroom, I made my way outside the castle. I need outside air.....

"Lucy-- I mean, Lucielle-sama!! Saphira-sama has called for your audience, miss. Now please excuse me," a maid said and bowed then left. I never really saw her before, but I guessed by her uniform that she was Saph's personal maid. =v=;........ I will get her later, but for now I will find out what she wants.

Heyoooo sorry for interrupting owo buuuut I guess I should tell u guys that this story is near the end ovo........dont kill me QnQ....there MIGHT be a book 2 in case you guys want me to continue the story for another book and i dont mind since its fun to write it out.....but i will have to know ovo so i can just let it hang in the last chapter and go straight to book 2 okay? just saying ouo ciao~~

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