chapter 32

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When I got the message about Jace being here I got angry, I never wanted Serena to worry so I didn't tell her. I sent her back to the hotel and told her to stay there so that my men can go on a search to see if they find him. I swear to god if I do I'm going to kill him. I hate the fact that Serena was all alone by her self at home so I'm on my way back to the hotel. My phone started ringing and I took up the phone and saw that it was Philip.

"Boss... Serena is not in her room"

"What?, What do you mean that Serena is not in her room" before he could answer I got really angry and ended the call. I swear if she left and went anywhere I'm going to punish her. I sped up quickly thinking that she could get caught and it scared me. When I got to the hotel I rush pass Philip and went into the elevator. I press the button that was at the top and it brought me up to the top floor. I walk inside the room and it was empty.

"Serena" I called but no answer. Few minutes later I heard a knock on the door I told the person they could enter and Philip walked in with a laptop in his hand. I looked up at him and gave me sad look which made me worried. He placed the laptop down on the table and pressed play. I watched carefully as Serena walked into the room with tears in her eyes which made me wonder why she was crying. She sat on the bed and brought her knees up to her chest

"Why did I have to see her again, I just wish this never happened I shouldn't have left the hotel so stupid"

"See who?" I wonder then look up at Philip and he shrugged.

"You know what I'm not gonna cry, I'm gonna have some fun" she said and was about to walk into the bathroom when someone wrapped their arms around her waist she jumped and I paused the video, I zoomed in and look at the persons face my eyes widen and I got really angry I was about to throw the the laptop into the wall but that was never going to help so I continued to watch.

"Nick your back so quick" she whispered, she thought it was me. The person placed their hand over her mouth and she began to panic

"Did you miss me" he spoke and she fell into darkness. The person look up at the camera and then I saw it. Jace. That fucking bastard kidnapped my wife, I should have known.

"Nikolai look who I got oh god I'm going get some good fuck" he said then licked her ear. I heart started thumping in my chest angry seeping through my skin I threw the laptop into the wall and it shattered into piece. I turned toward Philip and he got devastatingly scared, I grabbed him by the throat and he whimpered.

"How the fuck did this happened how could you make them take her I promised, I promised her that I wouldn't let anyone hurt" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"I'm sorry boss but no one saw when he entered" he begged and I told him he could leave. Tears began running down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away. No one ever saw me cry and wasn't going to let anyone we me, I never cried in years.

"How could I make this happen, that fucking bastard I swear if he hurt her I'm going to fucking kill him but slowly and painfully, I'm going to make him feel what she feels when she hurt and I promise" I stood up and walked over to cabin I picked up my gun and left the room.


WARNING! Rape ahead as you go along be mindful and read at your own risk.

My eyes flutter open my vision became blurry I sat up and squinted my eyes a little then look around. I was in a room on a plane, the room only had a bed and a dresser to the side. I groan when I felt my head pounding, I closed my eyes for while then thought about Nikolai and back at the hotel.

"Where am I" I whispered then it all came back to me. "Jace he kidnapped me" I said then began to panic, I tried moving around but my hands were tied behind my back I heard footsteps coming towards me and my heart began to throb in my chest.

"Your awake and don't worry were on my plane. Guess what we are going go Russia" Jace whispered as he took small steps towards me, he climbed on top of the bed and pulled me closer to him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying sweetheart it me your boyfriend" he smirked then placed his hand on my leg slowly the moved all the way up and stopped at my stomach.

"Please, what do you want" I cried and he chuckled bitterly.

"You left me and why? For some Italian guy wasn't I enough" he shouted and I jumped. "don't worry Serena I'm going to leave Nikolai a message, come my camera man" he said and a man walked out of the shadows with a camera in hand. What was he going to do, I'm scared. Nikolai you promised

He pulled down my shorts and tore my shirt off and I began to scream. "Shut the fuck up you bitch or I swear to god I'm going make you suffer" he shouted then slapped me. I cried when he rip my panties off and slammed into me, I screamed out and and he stuff piece of cloth in my mouth to muffle my screams. As he did so many brutal this to my body I couldn't take it anymore my eyes slowly began to close and he groan out loudly as he emptied himself inside me.

"Fuck, you see Nikolai she's all mine again" was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me.

"Fuck, you see Nikolai she's all mine again" was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me

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