chapter 41

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"My water just broke!" I screamed and Adrian began to panic while I took deep breaths. Another contraction hits me and I swear that I'm never having kids again.

"Nikolai" I screamed as I walked down the hall with a panicking Adrian beside. Nikolai came rushing towards me, he lifts me off the floor carrying me bridal style. He brought me down to the family doctor and he laid me down on the bed.

"Baby I'm here ok you'll just have to breath ok" he whispered and I nodded. Another contraction hits me again and I held on to his hand, gripping it like my life depends on it he groaned in pain while trying to calm me down.

"Ok she's fully dilated and ready to push," Fernando said and I nodded, he pushed my foot up then counted three and I push.

"Come on Serena you can do this" Nikolai whispered and I nodded and took deep breaths.

"Push," Fernando said and I did what he said I screamed while pushing the second time, I took another deep breath and push again.

"I see his head, come on one more push" Fernando instructed and I gave him another push. I heard a sudden cry and I sigh in relief. I lay back and shook my head I couldn't do it anymore. Nikolai cut the baby's cord and then came towards me and sat down.

"Baby one weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces and he's healthy," Fernando said.

"Come on baby you can do it" nick whispered. I was in so much pain and I couldn't take it anymore. I shook my head, sweat pouring down my face and tears running down my cheeks.

"I can't I'm tired, I can't" I cried and Nikolai kissed my forehead then removed a strand of hair away from my face.

"Serena you'll have to push to get the baby out ok now let's do this alright" Fernando insisted and I nodded and sat up once again. "Come on push," he said and I pushed, I took a deep breath then push again. "One last push" he assured me and I nodded and push again. I heard him cry and I lay back and relax.

"Baby two weigh 6 pounds and 8 ounces also healthy," Fernando said and I smiled.

"l'hai fatto gattino" nick whispered then peck my lips.

(You did it kitten)

"Come and cut the cord nick," Fernando said and he got up. I felt so exhausted so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered opened and I look around and saw Nikolai standing there with both babies in his arms.

"Daddy loves you" he whispered and I smiled as I watched him kiss both their forehead. "Mommy and daddy will take good care of both of you" Logan started wailing around and Nikolai seems frightened and I chuckled.

"I think he's hungry" I whispered and Nikolai sighed in relief, he walked over to me and handed him to me then he sat down. I pulled down one end of my shirt and brushed my nipple against his lip and he began to suck I winced at the pain then it stops I smile and gently rubbed my finger over his forehead.

"This is Logan Antonio Esposito" I whispered and he nodded and smiled.

"And this is Lorenzo Alessandro Esposito" he mumbled and I nodded and look down at Logan.

"We make beautiful babies" he whispered and I chuckled and nodded. He looks down at Lorenzo and smiled which made my heart melt. It was kinda weird and cute at the same time watching a guy with big muscle holding a tiny baby on his naked chest. A knock sounded on the door and I knew who it was.

"You guys can come look," I said and the door opened they came in. Adrian had Isabella in her arms and Matteo, mom and dad came over to me.

"Oh my god give me my grandsons," mom said and I giggled and handed her Logan. Dad took Lorenzo from Nikolai.

"I'm so sorry I panicked instead of helping you," Adrian said and I laughed and told her it was ok.

"So we decided to name them Logan Antonio Esposito and Lorenzo Alessandro Esposito. Mom is holding Logan and dad is holding Lorenzo." I dad and they nodded.

"Two babies," Bella said and I smiled.

"They are identical bella," Adrian said and Bella gasped and I chuckled.

"I love you," Nikolai said then pecked me on the lip and I blushed. "I love you you nick" I whispered.

I was exhausted, the babies were sleeping. Nikolai slept beside me. We decided to move to our room. While the babies slept in their crib. I didn't want to put them in their nursery yet so I kept them in our room. I'm just glad that Augustine is dead and maybe Jace is too I'm not quite sure.

Lorenzo began to cry and I couldn't find the strength to get up. Fernando said that I'm not supposed to move around too much because I haven't fully recovered yet. Nikolai got up and walked over to the crib he ran his hand through his bed hair then picked up a wailing Lorenzo. He gently rocks him back to sleep then lay him down in the crib. He walked back over to me and lay down beside me.

"Are you ok?" he asked and I nodded, he kissed me on the lips and I smiled and went back to sleep. I'm just glad that everything was ok. We had two beautiful baby boy and I'm pretty sure Nick was going to spoil them. When I was about to close my eyes the thought of my sister came into mind and I wondered if she was ok and what she wanted to talk about that day. I was too upset to speak to her. I yawned then turn to look at Nikolai and he was fast asleep so I went to sleep as well.

 I yawned then turn to look at Nikolai and he was fast asleep so I went to sleep as well

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