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Dinner was fun, at least for Woo Sung because having her at his home.

Ha Eun was starting to feel annoyed mostly for her mind won't stop thinking about what had happened between her and Seung-hyun earlier on.

She gulped down a few glasses of wine, thinking that soju was a little too strong for her but boy, she was wrong.

Woo Sung felt completely quiet when he watched her pour another glass as soon as she finished her eating her dinner and gulped it down in one go. Trying to drown her own embarrassment for reacting that way when Seung-hyun kissed her on her neck.

"Are you okay?" Woo Sung finally asked, clearing the table, "Did something happened?"

"I see you haven't touch your wine yet," Ha Eun stupidly pointing at his untouched wine.

"Not until you tell me what happened," he said, and he sounded serious, "Did anything happened?"

Ha Eun shook her head, "I just don't get it."


"After all these years, i thought that i've lost it all. I even assumed that i may have forgotten how it actually felt," Ha Eun said, mostly mumbling incoherently and Woo Sung was frowning, apparently trying to understand what she had just said.

Ha Eun was feeling light headed but she was not drunk yet. Her mind was racing and mostly thinking about some terrible ideas which she had to stop herself from doing it.

She poured herself another glass full and Woo Sung stopped her from drinking it.

"You can tell me, you know," he said, "If there's something bothering you, you need to let it out. You can't drown it by drinking excessively like this. You-"

Ha Eun cut him short. She pulled him by the back of his neck and kissed him deeply on the lips. Woo Sung broke off the kiss, flustered.

"Er, no. Miss Lee Ha Eun, i know something indeed happened just now," he said quickly, "Tell me what's wrong."

"Ssshh," Ha Eun said, "Just go with it."

What she had in mind might hurt his feelings but otherwise, she wouldn't know if she didn't try out.

She pressed her lips against his and this time, Woo Sung kissed her back passionately. His hands grabbed her hips, pulling her closer and lifted her up, sitting her on the kitchen island countertop.

Still locking lips, Ha Eun slipped her hands under his shirt, caressing every inch of chest.

All the heat and excitement were coming from Woo Sung. Just him. Ha Eun felt completely different when she was him. The feeling that she had when Woo Sung kissed her neck was doesn't feel the same when Seung-hyun did the same thing.

Ha Eun finally came back to her senses when Woo Sung was about to lift her skirt up. She pushed him away immediately.

"What?" He asked her, looking surprised with the sudden interruption.

"I'm sorry," Ha Eun said quickly, getting off from the countertop, "I shouldn't be doing this. I'm sorry."

Woo Sung looked furious. Ha Eun straightened her clothes, grabbed her bag and coat as she was about to leave, he stopped her.

"You kissed me first, and now you're sorry?" He asked, "Are you kidding me right now?"

"I'm sorry," Ha Eun said weakly, "I know i shouldn't be doing it but-"

"Let me guess," Woo Sung said, cutting her short with his supressed temper, "You just want to find out how it feels when I do that to you. Whether it feels the same when Seung-hyun did the same thing. Am i right?"

"Yes but-"

"How do I know?" Woo Sung scoffed, "I've known you for 5 years. I know you better than anyone else. Even better than yourself. Let alone that stupid bastard. Why is it so hard for you to see that Seung-hyun hated you for leaving him and he still does? Does it ever occur to you how i actually felt when you were with me for the last 5 years?"

"I'm sorry," Ha Eun said, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Didn't mean to?" Woo Sung repeated angrily, "You just did. Thanks for making me feel like a sore loser and thanks again for toying with my feelings. Now, leave."

Woo Sung dragged her out and slammed the front door shut after pushing her away.

Ha Eun was devastated. She had lost a good friend thanks to her own stupidity. She left.

Instead of taking the cab, she walked back home. The cold breeze doesn't affect her as much but when she was about to enter the alley heading towards her home, Ha Eun was furious to see Seung-hyun standing next to his car, waiting for her to come home.

Before he could say anything, she grabbed an empty can from a nearby garbage can and threw it at him.

"I told you didn't i? Stop looking for me!" Ha Eun was frustrated.

Seung-hyun on the other hand looked confused.

"Because of you, i've lost a good friend!" She said again as she threw another towards him.

To her annoyance, she missed by a few inches.

"It's your fault!" Ha Eun cried out angrily, "It's all because of you!"

She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, Seung-hyun didn't flinched, not even just a bit. He remained quite, even when Ha Eun threw weak punches on his chest.

"I hate you," she said, crying in agony, "I hate you for making me feel this way. I hate you for coming back over and over again even though i keep on telling you to leave. I hate you for being on my mind and i can't think about anything else other than you. I hate you for still being able to make me feel like i was young and free again. I hate you so much right now."

She finally stopped, sobbing and she added, "This is what you want, am i right? You told me before that you'd like to see me getting hurt as a revenge for what i did to you years ago."

"I hate myself more than i hate you right now," Ha Eun mumbled, turning her heels and left.

Ha Eun headed home.

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