Twenty Four

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The door bell rang, Lee Ha Eun pretended not to hear it. Instead, she increased the volume of her tv to drown the sound of the ringing door bell and continued eating her pitiful supper.

She munched away her tasteless fruit salad and the door bell stop ringing. Her phone pinged, indicating a new text message came in.

"Are you mad at me?"

It was non other than Choi Seung-hyun.

Ha Eun stared at her phone for awhile before she got up to the door.

Seung-hyun beamed at the sight of her. Remained rooted at her spot, she crossed her arms without saying anything.

"I'm sorry," Seung-hyun said to her, looking uncomfortably guilty.

"For?" Ha Eun's voice croaked.

"For coming to you late."

"Late?" She scoffed in disbelief, prodding her finger on his chest, "You made a promise, but you didn't keep it. Why the bloody hell did you promise me to be there for me if you don't intend to keep it anyway?"

"Something came up," he said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, Ha Eun."

"Something came up," Ha Eun laughed, "For a month, you disappeared. You didn't call, you didn't even text me. I was tempted to go to your office and your house to see whether you're alive."

She sighed in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I thought something bad happened after you left that day. You have no idea how worried I was."

Seung-hyun reached out for her but Ha Eun slapped his hand away quickly, "Don't."

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "I didn't know you were waiting for me."

"Oh, I waited for you because you asked me to," Ha Eun said quickly, "Fuck it."

Before Seung-hyun could open his mouth to apologize once more, Ha Eun launched herself at him, kissing him and Seung-hyun was momentarily shocked and taken aback, but he reciprocated.

That was when things were beginning to get messy. With Ha Eun losing so much weight for the last few months, Seung-hyun had no trouble carrying her back inside with her legs wrapped around his waist. The front door slammed shut and neither of them still let go of each other. Bumping along the way, they managed to toppled several household decoration on the floor.

"Thank goodness they weren't ceramic," Ha Eun stared at the floor.

"Are you going to stop?" Seung-hyun asked, putting her down.

"Oh hell no. I've waited too long for this," she replied, pushing him back and Seung-hyun sat on the sofa before she climbed on the top of him and kissed him again.

Seung-hyun groaned, "Should we go to bed?"

"No," Ha Eun replied breathlessly, "Lets do it here."

Seung-hyun took of her shirt and she took off his. Ha Eun sighed as he ran his fingers along her back, before unhooking her bra and Seung-hyun began to start working his magic.

Ha Eun had to stop for a moment when Seung-hyun start taking of her pants and with her being pantiles, he smiled.

"You just made my job easier, " Seung-hyun said to her, "Suck."

Ha Eun complied, sucking his index and middle finger, without breaking an eye contact. Seung-hyun's gazed was intense. He pulled out and as he kissed her, he teased her between her thighs. She sighed and groaned. Seung-hyun started slow, but he maintained his rhythm.

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