The basics

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I can still remember everything from that day it is in the distant past though. It seems like it was yesterday even though I know if I look at that calendar it will show me it had happened months ago. So I will just start from the beginning. It was just a regular day for me I went to school I learnt things I did my usual goofing off all through the day. But this day was a bit different I had a doctor appointment. So as usual I got picked up from school and my mom and I drove to the Cleveland clinic. The whole time my mom was talking about Micheal my older brother. See he has been in the hospital for about a month because it hurts his legs when he walks but the doctors say there is absolutely no cancer what so ever in his body. "So he is doing okay right? He isn't in pain?" My mom looked at me and squeezed my hand "He is in a little pain but the doctors don't know what's wrong so there is nothing they can do they can only give him pain medication and hope it helps."

"But why don't they know what's wrong? They are doctors for goodness sake! Don't they know everything there is to know about illnesses?"

"Ah if only it were that simple... But it's not so for now we just have to hope and pray everything will be alright. Well anyway tell me about your day. "

When we got to the Cleveland clinic we checked in and were directed to a room. I just got my normal stuff done you know annual check up. "Alrighty now just hop up on the scale and I will just take your weight..ok now turn and I can do your height." And so on and so forth it was probably the most boring thing In my entire life. I was only excited because afterwards I got to see Michael he was being treated here. When we walked through the doors to floor 3 it smelled like sickness and doctor gloves. But when we walked through the doors of his room his eyes lit up. Micheal is 2 years older than me but we are still closer than 2 peas in a pod in it sounds cliche but it's true.

Just as I was saying hi the doctors came in and said they need to have a private conversation with mom and dad. So the doctors lead them outside and 5 minutes later mom runs through the door. She goes over to Michael sobbing with tears streaming down her face and holds him against her. "Why are you crying mom? What's wrong?Who made you cry?" Michael kept pressing questions. Dad came back in with red eyes and a couple tears, he had to be strong especially in front of me and Michael. " dad..what happened?" I almost whispered I was so scared. Dad looked at me and took and deep breathe with sorrow filled eyes. "They think Michael might have a tumor"

I knew what a tumor was but I didn't want to know so I asked what it was and his response was "it means you might not have a brother in a couple of years."

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