Chapter 1

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The rays of the sun warmed my face as I woke up. The left side of my face felt numb from leaning it against the glass for who knows how long. I opened my jaws in a yawn, and stretched. Looking out the window, I smiled. A deer was running through the forest, birds were flying above, even the plants looked happy. I couldn't help but smile, thinking how wonderful it was to get away from all the hassle from my parents. My thoughts were snatched away as I heard a yelp, and then the car came to a sudden stop. I looked out the front window and saw a deer. It had ran in front of the car and the driver had stopped to avoid hitting it. The driver of the car, is one of my best friends Izaiah. He loves drawing dragons, is really y'all and overall is just a chill and goofy guy. I heard an 'ooo' from beside me and chuckled. That was Mikaila. She loves animals and drawing in general. She is the shortest of the group, and is positive and a listener.

"Oh she's beautiful..." Mikaila murmured. "I've never actually seen one in person before."

I nodded. "She is pretty." I admitted. I watched as it turned and bounded off.

Izaiah presses the gas pedal and we began moving again. Mikaila was staring out the window, looking for the cabin. I joined her, and saw it growing closer. Izaiah stopped the car and we all got out. I chuckled at Izaiah as he cursed his long legs. Walking up to the cabin, Imtook the chance to look at it. It was made purely out of wood, besides the obvious stuff like windows. There were markings all over it. I approached it and ran my fingers along the runes.

"(Y/n!)" I turned around to see Mikaila holding up bags. "Stop drooling over the cabin and come help us!"

I rolled my eyes and jogged over.

Once everything had been unpacked, Mikaila piped up. "Let's go into the woods! Please?"

I looked out the window. "I guess we could."

Izaiah replied with a 'sure'.

Mikaila squealed like a little girl and ran down the stairs, put on her shoes, then ran out the door. Izaiah and I chuckled and followed her. As we approached the woods, Mikaila and I broke into a run. Izaiah ran after us, catching up quickly thanks to his long legs. I looked behind me, seeing him right behind. Just as I tried to go faster, I bumped into something.

"Ow!" I looked up and saw Mikaila staring at something.

Following her gaze, I saw a squirrel. I stood up and stood next to Mikaila, then noticed it. It wasn't a regular squirrel. It looked like....

"Cgi? What?" She finally spoke.

The squirrel ran off, and Mikaila followed it. I shrugged and ran after her, Izaiah close behind. It ran into a clearing then disappeared. The first thing I noticed was the shape. It was strangely shaped like a perfect triangle. We all walked through it, looking for the squirrel. When we reached the middle, I heard a noise. Looking down, I noticed that the ground looked really odd. It was twisting and distorting like magma.

"Uh...g-ah!" Before I could finish, the ground opened up and sucked us all in.

"Where....." Izaiah murmured.

We were in some kind of pyramid. It was all red, and a big throne sat opposite of us. We were in a big cage, as if we were animals. I stood up and walked to the edge of the cage, and frowned. I nearly jumped out of my skin as a cackling laugh echoed through the strange building.

"Wait....oh no. Guys we need to-" Mikaila was interrupted by a man dressed in yellow, an eyepatch, and a top hat.

"Well well Well. What do we have here?" He giggled a little. "Three. Little. Puppets. It's like Christmas here!" He laughed again, this time a little bit demonic.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He looked suprised and insulted. "I'm suprised you don't know! I'm the infamous-"

"Bill Cipher. He's a dream demon." Mikaila interrupted.

He glared at her, and she whimpered. I noticed a red mark on her cheek.

"Don't interrupt me!" He screamed. "But, she is correct. I'm the dream demon Bill Cipher!" He giggled again. I had to admit, it was pretty cute. Wait, no what am I thinking!?

"What do you want with us?" Izaiah asked.

"Well, I want some new puppets! And you three seem like the perfect ones. Enough talking! Time to go to your new home!" He snapped his fingers and we appeared in a dungeon.

"Get comfortable! I'll come collect one of you soon!" He flew off, and I heard him mutter 'Wow this forms pretty neat.'

After waiting for about an hour - although it was hard to tell here - Bill came back. He simply snapped his fingers again and I appeared in a testing chamber of some sorts. Bill began examining me, and I felt squirmy. "C-could you stop that please?" I asked.

He glared at me, and I flinched. He was pretty good at it.

"I think you're my favourite one..." He murmured as he poked me with a scalpel a few times. "Alright. Time to go back to your room. I'll examine your male friend later." He snapped his fingers once more and I was back in the dungeon with a panicking Mikaila and Izaiah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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