Chapter 3

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I jumped at the sound of my name, knocking over a few apples. The man behind the counter fixed me a cold glare as they hit the dirt floor. I smiled wearily,

"Um, I'll buy these as well." I said as I placed them into my basket and handed the man a few extra coins. He grunted in response.

I stuffed the apples into my basket, now overrun with bread, spices, herbs and more than enough apples. Mother had sent me to the market alone, for now I was old enough to run errands on my own while Stheno and Euryale helped my mother tend to the house while Papa was out hunting.

Ducking under the roof of the fruit stand, I fixed my cloak and tucked a strand of my chestnut hair behind my ear. Shielding my eyes from the summer sun, I looked in the direction where I heard my name. Sure enough there she was, I could recognize her voice from anywhere.

Athena weaved her way through the crowd, a smile on her face. She wore a simple pink cotton dress with a gray cloak. Her fiery red hair was tied into a loose braid, but I could see strands starting to fall out along the sides of her ivory face. She draped her arm around me, for her other hand was carrying a basket of her own.

"I didn't know you were coming to the market today!" she said as she pulled back. I adjusted my grip on the handle of my basket, "Yes, well mother thought it be best if I went out to run errands," I waved a hand, "You know how she is."

Athena laughed, "Oh, I do." her smiled faded as quickly as it came and she lowered her voice, "How's your Papa? Uncle told me about his health."

I started to pick at the fibers on my basket. It's true that Papa's health had started to decline within the last few years, but it was merely because of age.

And the overexertion of him hunting.

For the last few years, Papa had been out of the house more times than not. Mother always told me and my sisters that it was because of hunting, but I felt like there was more. For instance, mother never told us what he was hunting. Then again, we never asked.

I forced a smile, "He's fine, I mean he's been better." I couldn't find the words. Athena placed a gentle hand on my shaky one, "Medusa, your father works a lot. It's bound to take a toll on him."

The way she said 'work' made my spirits lift. Athena was the only other person I confided in about my parents' secret.

Athena and I met when we were both eight years old, attending Olympus Academy. It was the first day of our second year and I sat in the far corner in the far back, trying to avoid as many people as I could. Athena showed up and sat down beside me. Her bubbly personality and her wise words were the foundation to our friendship. She has been my closest friend ever since.

"I know. I'm just worried about what's going to happen if he doesn't get back to his old self." I said. What would happen? Would the Gods punish him?

"I think the Gods would understand." Athena said as she glanced up to the cloudless sky, "The Gods plan everything out. Our fates and destinies are already written," she glanced back to me, "Your father's fate is already planned, Medusa. You just have to wait for it to come forth."

Athena has always been full of wisdom. There has been talk around town that she would make a very great Goddess one day. If only she wanted it.

I remember asking her about the possibility of her becoming a Goddess. She laughed and said, "That's nice, but not for me."

"Why not?" I asked. How could someone not want to be a God?

Athena shrugged as we laid on the grass, looking up at the night sky, "Having powers sounds like a blessing, but in reality it can only hurt the person and people around them." she turned her head to look at me, "If Zeus were to bless me, I wouldn't accept it. I don't want to have that burden on my shoulders or my Uncle's." she sighed, "I also don't want to put my friends in danger."

At the time, I thought it to be heroic of her to say those things. To not want to harm the people she cared for. Now, I only found it ironic.

I gripped her hand tighter, "I know. The Gods have everything planned, I just have to be patient." I adjusted the basket on my arm as my eyes fell onto the setting sun. Had I really been all afternoon?

"I must go! I'll see you, Athena!" I said as I weaved my way through the crowded market.

"Watch out for snakes!" she called. I turned and shot her glare, in which she responded with a laugh and a wave.

Since my head was turned, I didn't noticed the tall man step into my pathway. Not until I ran right into him, my apples falling from my basket. I caught myself before falling onto to the ground and winced in pain. Was this guy made of stone?

"Oh, I'm so sorry." his deep, smooth voice made me look up. My breath hitched at the sight of him. Hair that was dark as night swept along his forehead. The sun was shining on his face and it made his blue eyes look like the ocean. His skin was tan, from working in the sun.

"Are you okay?" he asked, breaking my daze. My mouth had gone dry and my words came out as stutters, "Y-yes. I'm fine." Even though my head throbbed, I managed to hide the pain.

He knelt down to pick up the three apples that fell. As he did, I couldn't help but notice the leaned muscles that were defined through his white cotton shirt. This man was obviously a farmer or some kind. Upon standing, he placed the apples back in my basket and smiled.

I felt my heart skip.

"I should watch where I'm going next time." he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

"No, no it was my fault. My friend-" I pointed behind me, but Athena was gone. I bit down on my lower lip. "I was waving goodbye to my friend and I wasn't looking to where I was going." I finished.

The man in front of me smirked, "I see," he inclined his head, "Well, I apologize for my involvement of the casualty of your apples."

I glanced down at my basket and saw the dirty, bruised apples. I couldn't help but laugh. "I think they'll live." I glanced at the sun again and found that it was lower than it was minutes before. Mother would be wondering where I am soon. I looked at the man,

"I must go."

I made my way around him and felt his eyes on me. "What's your name?" he asked as I created space between us. I turned, making eye contact with him through the crowded road. I felt myself smile, the allure of him not knowing my name. I held my head high and gripped the basket tighter in my hands to keep them from shaking. I've never done anything like this before.

"If you kill more of my apples, maybe I'll tell you."

As I turned my back on him, I saw a spark of intrigue flash in his eyes.

For the rest of my walk home, I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. The giddiness inside me was beginning to boil. How could I have a crush on someone I just met? Or was it just infatuation? Lust? He was very attractive.

Upon seeing my home in the distance, I ran the rest of the way, excited to tell my mother and my sisters about the man I met in the market.

But my smile quickly faded when I opened the door.

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