Chapter 5

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I had to get out. I knew if I stayed inside any longer I would surely suffocate. Watching my mother cry over Papa's dead body was something that I wouldn't be able to erase from my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I turned to go, fleeing from the scene as quickly and quietly as I could.

"Where are you going?" Stheno whispered.

Without looking at her, I said, "I need some air."

I walked out of the cottage and down to the docks. Going to the edge of the dock, I hiked up my emerald cotton dress, slipped out of my sandals and let my feet dangle in the cool water. I heaved a sigh as I looked up into the moonlight. The way it created shadows with the mountains, making them look like creatures, transported me out of my dark thoughts.

Looking into the water, I thought back to the many times I was here as I child. Where I would sneak away from mother and my sisters while they went to the market, I would come here.

This is where I first discovered Papa's secret.

But apparently there was more to it than I realized. What were the stones that Papa was talking about? Fate? Destiny? Something about the Gods and Zeus?

Looking into the water, a thought came to me. Were the stones under the waves? If so, why was Papa hunting them. I made a mental note to ask mother after her time for mourning was over.

The sound a creaking board made me glance behind. A man wearing a loose, unkempt cotton shirt was standing behind me. His hair was wild and from the looks of it, he appeared to be drinking a tavern not far from here.

"Pardon me, miss." his words slurred. Feeling slight panic rise in me, I got to my feet and slipped my sandals back on, "No apologies, sir, I was just leaving."

I made a move past the man, but he shot his arm out and wrapped his fingers around my forearm. His grip felt like a snake coiling itself around, strangling me. I stopped in my tracks, my breath coming in short. The man inhaled deeply, his face inches from mine,

"You smell like roses." he inhaled again, "Roses are my favorite."

He was so close that I could smell the alcohol coming from his breath. I bite down on my lower lip to keep from squirming, "T-Thank you sir. Now if you ple-"

"I have friends who would love you." His grip got tighter to the point where my circulation was being cut off. I looked at the man in the eyes, and all I saw was the devil.

"Friends?" I asked, flinching at my own voice as it shook, giving away my fear.

The man lifted his free hand and pointed in the direction in front of me. I was so blinded by my fear that I didn't notice the group of three tall men approaching us. How long had these men been standing there?

Fear overtook me and I tried to yank my arm out the man's grip, but he held firm. "Oh, not so fast, lovely." he reached out and brushed his fingers along the side of my face, "We just want to have some fun."

"Like hell." I spat. I knew what kind of 'fun' these men meant, and it didn't have anything to do with a nightly boat ride.

In one swift motion, I lifted my foot and brought it down hard. The man let go of my arm, averting his attention to his injured foot.

"You bitch!" he cried as I broke free. But for a drunk man, he recovered his composure quickly and pushed me to the rocky ground. I felt a rock scrap the side of my head as I went down onto my stomach. Soon, I found myself surrounded by four men, all equally intoxicated.

"Now, let's see what you have under there." one of the men said. He reached down a lifted my skirt, but I kicked him in the knees. Blood was slowly dripping down my face as I crawled against the rocks, trying to find an escape.

Another man came into my path and knelt down so he was eye level to me. He gave me a wicked grin as his eyes traveled from my face to my chest. I nearly got sick to my stomach.

How could men treat women this? Like they were nothing but something to play with?

The man reached out and started tracing his fingers along the laces of my bodice, "She's a feisty one fellas. We might actually have some fun this time."

Without warning, he leaned in a kissed me hard. His tongue swept past my teeth, going down into my throat, to the point where I shoved him away. I leaned over and threw up a little I had in my stomach.

Soon, I felt hand tug the back of my hair and throw me to the ground like I was a rag doll. I saw the moon and stars above me but they were soon blocked my the four massive figures towering over me. In my daze, I saw some of them start to undo their pants while the others looked at me like I was a piece of meat. I knew I had to get out of here, but I didn't know how.

How could one girl overpower four men?

Suddenly, one of the men fell to the ground in a heap, followed by another and another.

"What the hell?" said one of the men. He too, was soon struck down as was the last one. Then, another man's face came into my vision and backed up until I hit the sole of one of the men's foot.

The man who was standing before me was young and had platinum blonde hair. Even in the dark, I could tell that he was fit by the way he carried himself. He was wearing a long sleeved gray cotton shirt, trousers and sandals.

And he was holding a sword. It shone brightly in the moonlight that I had to look away. But when I glanced down at the men that were now circling me, I cried out for a different reason.

All four men were dead. Blood dripped along the rocks as their pale skins basked in the moonlight. I looked up at the man before me, not sure whether to be grateful or frightened.

"Don't be afraid." he said. He raised his arms in surrender as he lowered his weapon. He slowly approached me and knelt down, "I was walking by and saw what they were doing to you."

"You killed them." I breathed. My voice was a strangled whisper and my throat burned from the sudden rush of sickness. The man nodded his head, his face grim, "I had to, millady. If I didn't, they would've killed you."

I clutched my arms together, feeling all at once sick and violated. I wanted to crawl out of my own skin, for I felt like it was now stained. I looked into the man's gray eyes,

"Who are you?" I asked. The man smiled and reached his hand out to me. I stared at it for sometime, part of me thinking it was a trick. Eventually I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. I was a little unsteady on the rocks, but he helped center me by placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"The name's Perseus, millady," he retracted his hand for knowing that I didn't want any man touching me in that moment, "and I believe it's time to get you home."

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