7: A Manly Man

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"Hyung." Jungkook turns to meet eyes with Jimin. "I think my health is deteoriating."

"It must be the 8 cups of ramen you ate last week." he replies nonchalantly.

"That's not it. Sometimes, my heart kind of beats really fast, and I get nervous easily." Jungkook elaborates, and Jimin froze in his steps. He rushes across the room, making his way under the bed and pulling out the stack. Proceeding to slam the table with the books, he whispers; "It is time." Jimin says. "For you to read porn."

"What?" Jungkook blushes furiously as he sees the cover of the books. "No!"

"Aren't you just horny?" Jimin tilts his head curiously. "If you wanted to borrow it, you should've said so."

"No, hyung. Also, this isn't allowed in the dorm." the younger states seriously.

"That isn't important. Since when did you feel this way?"

"Since when?..." Jungkook's eyes pried open.

"Since Soa was here."

"....Soa?" Jimin tilts his head in confusion. "But-

Before he could present his next ridiculous thesis, Soa barges into the room, eyes scanning the place for a certain something.

Her face lits up upon spotting Jungkook. 

"You left the tournament ticket on my desk!" She excitedly taps on his shoulder cutely, oblivious to Jimin's presence. In response, Jungkook stares at her in awe before gulping.

"Jungkook?" She looks into his eyes, and he doesn't seem to look away.

"Soa!" a sudden push on the back reminded Soa of Jimin's existence. "What brings you to my room?"

Soa, whom was slightly choking from the impactful 'pat' on the back, answered slowly. "I was looking for Jungkook."

"Well....enough about the tournament." Jimin's eyes crinkled playfully. "Let's read porn!"

It was then when the mountain of pornography on the table came to the attention; or shock of Soa, and she automatically turned on the act-like-a-man switch.

"S-sure! Looks great!" She hurriedly takes a porn magazine and flips through it diligently.

Jungkook turns to her silently. "You like porn, Soa?"

Soa laughs nervously, before hammering her chest. "Of course! Any manly man should, right?"

With that, Jungkook suddenly feels the rush to take one of the books, flipping it through like Soa as well. However— he didn't seem to be able to digest the images well.

But he perseveres on, because in his heart; he wants to be a manly man in front of Soa as well.



It was finally the day of the tournament.

I sat at the front seats. Behind my back were ravaging fans that came for various boxers—most of the girls, however, were holding up banners that spelled Jungkook's full name.

Nothing much was in my thought process at that time; but to support my idol in his upcoming match.

It was then when he came out.

Jungkook. There was a fiery pit in the depth of his eyes; the same fire I witnessed on screen during a tournament. Concentration was depicted on his face, and a towel hangs over his half naked body that was already sweaty from a warm-up. He licks his lips as he seems to build up more concentration on the ring; which sent the girls crazy.

When I held up my phone camera in attempt to capture this very legendary scene, a series of 'clicks' beside me sent me off guard.

It was a girl holding up a huge professional camera with elongated lens that stretched above and beyond. She seemed to be holding down the button as the camera goes off in a series of clicks.

"Hey, don't just stare at me! Don't you want to take pictures of his gorgeous features?" the fangirl turns towards my direction.

"U-uh, sure." I focused on the ring as the refree signals the start of the tournament.

"So, how long have you been a Jungkook fan?" I try to start up a conversation while eyeing closely at the tactics he used in his boxing.

"Count me as your information broker. I was a fan since he was a noob with the mitts." She answers as she fires off her camera. "Lee Eunkyung. You?"

"Han Soa." I answered with a smile. She was an extreme fan, but she seemed pretty nice.

"That's a pretty feminine name for a boy." She mentions, and I was brought back to reality again. Oh right, I was dressed as a boy.

This interruption in thought caused me to miss the climax of the tournament— Jungkook dodges a swing and counter attacks with a one hit K.O to his opponent; which was a monumental moment as this means he's headed to the nationals.

The girls immediately jumped up in joy, cheering his name as the refree held up Jungkook's arm with the announcement of his huge win.

But all my regret soon dissipates as he waves at me with a bunny-like smile.

"Is it me or did he wave at our direction?" Eunkyung slowly puts down her camera in shock.

"Maybe?" I chuckled to myself.

"Dude, you know him?!" She began shaking my shoulders.

"M-maybe!" I answered again.

But it seemed like I didn't have to answer because Jungkook runs towards the spectator stage, and right next to us; giving the girls the shocks of their lives.

"Soa. Did you see me?" Jungkook smiles happily at me, as if he's overjoyed that I was watching.

"Yes, you were great! Also I'd like to introduce....." I turned to look for my newfound friend, but she didn't seem to be there.

"Eunkyung?" I felt a hand on my back, and turned to see that she was hiding behind me.

"I'll see you at the waiting room later." Jungkook smiles sweetly to me again, before handing me what seems to be a pass.

"Alright." I waved him goodbye and he jogs off slowly to the back of the spectators stage. I didn't have time to finish gawking at him when Eunkyung pulls me to the side, an isolated corner with no one in sight.

"You....." She hesitated, and I confessed.

"Yes, I know Jungkook. But I am his fan too, I swear!"

"No.....that wasn't what I wanted to know." Eunkyung begins to stare me down suspiciously, and it takes me aback. "You......."

"Are a girl, aren't you?"

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