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"Byeeeee." I giggle like waving to Christian as he waves back. I watch the Taxi drive away before walking into my apartment lobby. I walk to my apartment stopping to take my keys out of my pocket.

"Shoot." I mumbled as the keys slipped through my fingers and onto the floor. I pick them up unlocking my front door. I walk inside closing the door behind me quietly. I feel on the walls walking in the dark not wanting to wake Dave up.

"I've been waiting for you to come home." A voice speaks out, I jump squinting as I look towards the kitchen seeing a light turn on. I mumbled nonsense to myself watching Dave stare at me. He walks towards the living room as I follow him.

"Sorryyyy." I whine walking towards him, I flop down on his lap throwing my arms around him. He sighs standing up helping me stand up. I walk up the stairs missing a couple of steps making Dave grab my waist to help me.

I take my shirt off and jeans before getting on the bed laying down on my back, I look at Dave biting my bottom lip watching him take his shirt off. He stares at me while taking his sweats off leaving him in his boxer briefs, I break into a smile as he chuckles. He lays down next to, making me lay on his chest. I trail my hand down his abs while staring in his eyes.

"You betta stop, before I fuck yo lil ass up." He mumbles. Smirking I sit up straddling his waist, I slide down some before pulling his briefs down, he grabs my hands taking them off his boxer briefs, I roll my eyes getting off of him.

"Why are acting like this?"I said getting off the bed, I walk to my dresser, taking a pair of sweats out.  I put them on, walking back to the bed. I put my phone on the charger feeling Dave's eyes on me, I glance at him before sucking my teeth.

"You tripping right now, take yo ass to sleep." He snaps, I roll my eyes mocking him. I pout turning on my side, facing away from him.

I feel Dave wrap his arm around my waist, as he puts his big ass head in my neck. "You still mad?" He asks

"Leave me the fuck alone David." I mumbled trying to fight sleep.

"Mane."He sucks his teeth getting off the bed, I watch him put sweats on then walk out the room. I turn on the tv not feeling sleepy anymore, I switch to MTV seeing nothing but Martin re runs since that was the only thing on this time of night.

"All I want is some dick and his fat ass head won't give me none." I mumbled to myself, I shake my head starting to feel bad.

I turn on my side thinking if I should apologize, It just don't feel right going to bed angry. Sighing, I get up from my bed walking out the room. I look in the guest room only to find it empty. I walk downstairs hoping he was in the living room.

"Dave?" I call out, sighing I look around the empty living room confused since I didn't hear the front door open or the alarm. I shrug going back to my room looking for my phone to call him.

"What the fuck? Where did this nigga go?" I ask myself only getting his voicemail.

Update was long overdue, sorry

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Update was long overdue, sorry. I hope you liked it. Schools been kicking my ass and I'm not even three months in. ☹️

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