if only you could read my thoughts

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Shit it's been awhile since I've updated huh?

Really sorry xc a lot of things have been happening lately and I've been going through the motions of it and never got back to writing but now here I am with an update c: got some inspiration from something that actually happened xD

Sorry for misspells to lazy to go over it c:

enjoy c:


~Pbs pov~

It was a chilly Wednesday

I slipped on my boots and a sweater along with a skirt and tights

I was heading out to the towns shopping center

It was a huge indoor closing with shops everywhere

(I know it's not in the show but go along with it c:)

I jogged my way downstairs and waved off to the banana guards

"Bye guys! Be on your A game today alright?" I said cheerfully trying to hide the lining of worry

"Ok princess have fun"

I had a bad feeling today and I was making sure everything was alright

When I got these feelings I would normally stay in to make sure but like normally my feelings were just feelings and everything was fine

I walked past and out the gate stepping out of the kingdom

I walked and thought about a lot 'what if something does happen'

i shook my head getting rid of the thought when a unexpected thought jumped in my head

'wheres marceline'

i stopped in my tracks

Come to think of it..I haven't seen her since Monday.

I instantly started feeling self conciliatory and worried

'you aren't good enough for her'

'what if she's hurt? You didn't even care enough to call'

I started walking again

I ran my hand through my hair

"If she can't call me I can't call her" I puffed and walked faster


"This is adorable!" I squealed and held up a baby pink collared dress with short puffed sleeves that had different layers of different blues at the bottom

I draped it on my arm and walked to the register

I checked out and walked my way out when I spotted someone I knew

"Marceline" I said out loud and she whipped her head in my direction and I ducked

why am I hiding from her?

She was with a bunch of other teenagers

Well they looked like teenagers at lest, you couldn't be so sure with her and I'm not one to talk either.

I scurried through the racks still ducking my head

I was a little worried to be honest

I had a lot of emotions right now

one: I was angry she could go out with friends but not call me

two:I didn't want it to be awkward because who knows what we are

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