the birthday and dead day

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        "Daddy! DaddY!" I screamed at my dad, pulling on his sleeve. " Yes my love?" My dad said swinging me around.his body. I giggled in delight, I was young at the time."can you beleive it, my birth day is tomorrow!" the smile fell off my dads face. There were that beautiful ahem I mean, handsom smile of his used to be, now lay a small sad frown. " he set my down and facepalmed. I starred at him bewilderd.

        he looked at me and said " I cant beleive I blew off my own daughters birth day for work, ill go get you a present right now!" I starred into his emrald green eyes and was frightend, my stumache knotted and i felt like screaming. I always got this feeling when some thing bad was going to happen, like when uncle larry went on that mega drop ride and pucked all over eveyone.

        I shook my head no and pulled on his jacket as he turned to walk out the door. "no, No, NO!" i scremedat the top of my lungs  and i felt the tears start to prick at my eyes. he turned around and held me by my shoulders.

        "I alread have enough dady i have you!."I cried at him. "what about mommy?" he said. I didnt answer and coverd it up by pushing my face into his shoulder. My nose took a deep whiff' smelled like sweet honey and campfire, always. i smiled and pulled away. "better?" my pappy said. i nodded and he let go.

         He walked out the door. my mom followed him and waved good bye, I followed. "be care full." I whisperd, hoping my voice would be carried into the mom turned at me and glared. "There was no way she could have heard that... right? she growled at me and slammed her high heel into my shin, causing a domino effect' except their was only one domino, and that domino was me.

        I tumbled down the stairs at full speed. my head slamed on about every step, and man 15 steps felt like an eternity of crunching slamming and bruising. At the end I was bloody and scratched. I looked up to witness my own mom sneering at me at the tops of the steps. She was always this mean to me, my father never knew though. she always forced me to wear long clothes that were baggy but i as able to pull it off.

        I had freinds then. lots of them. me and my gang XD of girls

        I started to get up. my head throbbed and i layed back down. no i needed to get up. I slowly forced my slelf up, mentally cheering my self on. my head felt like elephants were stomping on it every second. I whined and limped up the stairs. I got into a groove, left left right left. right right left right, left left etc.

        I got to the top.  No longer did I know what to do. whenever she hurt me it was always inside, where unwanted wandering eyes couldnt see. I had always run to the bath room or closet and locked it until me dad got home, when she couldnt hurt me. my dad was my sanctuary. now i didnt know if i shoukd go inside or stay out here.

        i finally got the courage to go inside. I slowly opend the door and when it creeked (sry I have no idea how tto spell dat) open i froze. I listend for any type of life fourm coming at me or even moving. nothing happend. I slowly krept through the door. All my mother ever wanted was me dead, well nows her chance.

        The house was silent. i bet i could hear a pin drop. it was queit... to queit. I snuck into the kitchen, hugging the walls like a ninja: silent but deadly. its always the queit ones.  I grabbed a pan from the shelf. I gulped and started to head twoard the closet. i needed sanctuary, oh i needed sanctuary. The tears would usally be falling by now, but no! yeh you heard what i said NO!! i was strong, and my dad would be home soon.

        I took in a deep breath and smelled the sweet smell of honey and the campfires smoke. it gave me courage. i hugged the walls still as i silently krept to the door. out of no were a hand cpoverd my mouth. I screamed, and it was muffled by the hand. Instanly i bit it hard and tasted warm liquid salt. A yelp came from my attacker and i swung my arm around and hit the sattacker straight in the... boob. You have got to be kiding me.

        My mom stood there with a knife in her hand. the look on her face was abseloutly horrifing. I took a step back. she lunged at me and cut a long line up my arm. I screamed and pushed her off. how could a mother ever have such cruelity to some thing she made? or did she even make me? oh god that makes sence the peices fit together soo well. to well...

        I darted for the door and reached it. It slammed it shut and i locked it. I shoved a whole bunch off extra stuff infront of the door, trying to baracade it. I looked down at my arm. The blood was streaming down my arm. I starred at it. the pain... I couldnt... explain it... it. it. wasnt pain. like being pushed down the stairs... now THAT was pain. this was...warm?

        i shook my head fuck, hello cassy you in there? i really need you right now... Ill just leave the messgae after the beep kay? this wasnt good no..not at all.  I ripped off both sleeves of my bvb sweat shirt yehhh black veil bride whooo! i wrapped it around the wound and kept pressure. my dad used to say pressure or hush her. by hush her he meant dont cry out no more if your not going to make it stop hurting.

        Thinking of my father brought warm thoughts into my mind. I heard the phone ring. that made me wondor.. were was my dad? i fell asleep asking the same question over and over and over again in my head.

         I woke to the sound the telephone ringalin. I stretched and just happend to put my ear up to the door. Thank god i did, because the next few words i was about to hear would change my life forever.

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