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"He hit a semi going about 90." Will he make it?" "Im afraid we alredy lost him, a peice of broken rim came off the truck and stabbed him right in the the neck' cut of his breathing and he was dead within seconds." "Thank you doc." "Have a nice evening miss." Thats what i heard.

I couldnt beleive it... my love, my sanctuary, my eveything was gone.

The footsteps... They got even closer. Soon enough they were right out side of the door. I shrunk down to the ground. Pound pound pound, the hand slammed on the door. I gulped.

I knew that I should open the door, for if I didn't I was just digging myself a deeper hole.

I got up, tears threatening to run down my face. My hand touched the cold metal door nob. Oh this was going to open into the passage way to my own personal hell..The door slowly kept open. A hand appeared and yanked it open. Two hands grabbed my neck and closed on tight.HOLY FUCK! I was being strangled

I tried to scream for help, but all that came out was a gurgle. My sharp nails clawed at the skin holding me. Blood seeped out of the spaces in the skin that I had tared. My mom screamed out in pain and let go.My knees buckled and I fell to the ground gasping for air. The tears cried to be let out, but there was no way I was going to let that happen. I needed to be strong and never ever show show weakness.

My mom ran away to her room. I was shocked. She..she ran way? I listened closely and didn't even breath, worrying that I would disrupt my concentration.

I heard a closet door open then shut. I heard a small jingle then a *WHAP* sound. My eyes bulged with fear. I knew that sound.. The leather belt.

no.No.NO.NO!! My body shook with fear. The devil stormed down the hall way, belt in hand. She held it like a whip. I was on my feet immediately and looking for a way out of this war zone. Except there was no way out, I had been cornerd. There was only one way in and out, and that passegeway had been blocked by the she devil herself.

My posture became perfect and I glared at Grace. That bitch didn't deserve to be called a mother, she was no mother of mine at least. My hands wrapped into fist. If she wanted a fight, that is what she was gonna get.

She sprinted at me and I took her moment of weakness as a moment. My fist jabbed into her stumache. She crumpled to the ground. Damn. For a 8 year old I was strong. I stood there shocked. I fled down the hallway and out the stairs. I needed to leave or do something, even though I knew I would be back on Monday.

6 years later

I slowly kept down the stairs, I didn't want to wake Grace, and if she was awake I didnt want her to know I was up.

If she was up, that meant getting beat. I grabbed my school bag and snuck out the window. The cool air hit me in a big gust. It sent a shiver down my back. I had a scar in my back...

Flash back

I stormed around the house, man was I pissed. My friends had promised to be here by now. Not watching where I was going, I slammed into my mom.

"Bitch!" She hissed at me. I backed up into the wall' causing a picture frame to fall and shatter in shards. My adrenaline kicked in and soon enough I was triiping over my words. " I.I'll cleanse up. " Like hell yo will." Damn I hate her grammer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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