Part 26

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 You walk to Felix.

Felix: Hi.

Y/N: Hi.

Felix: Why did you call my name?

Y/N: I needed an escape and you're the only other person other than JIsung i feel talking to.

Felix: WOw. so i wasn't the first choice?

Y/N: Oh my god Felix.

Felix: Im kidding. Dont hurt me.

Y/N: Silly, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to hurt someone else.

Felix: Like?

Y/N: You and Eric.*smile*

Felix: Please don't!! Wait. Why?

Y/N: You know Hwall or Hyunjoon or whatever, you know who im talking about.

Felix: Yeah.

Y/N: How?

Felix: He's one of Eric's members. Why?

Y/N: I just wanted to know...

Felix: Do you know him?

Y/N: Maybe. Yes. He was my best and only friend in Busan.

Felix: That's great. You get to see him again.

Y/N: No its not great. Now he can find out about Hyunjin and Jeongin, which i told him about when i saw him in Busan. Which means he might become protective.

Felix: He already talked to them before. I dont think theres anything to worry about.

Y/N: Right. Im just overreacting.

Felix: Can You explain why your going to kill me and Eric?

Y/N: Because of what i had just said. Don't worry though, i won't.

Chan: DINNER!!

You and Felix go back and you notice everyone was there. You made eye contact with Hyunjoon and panicked. What's worse was that Yuqi saved you a seat next to him and her.

Y/N: Hi.

Hwall: Hi.

Y/N: I see you know who i was talking about in Busan.

Hwall: Yeah. Still like him?

Y/N: I don't know.

Hyunjin: You two know each other?

Hwall: Yeah, we were- we met before.

Hyunjin: Really? When?

Y/N: Long time ago.

Hwall: *whispers to you* You don't want to tell him?

Y/N: Not yet.

Lua: Huh?

Y/N: Oh. Sorry. Nothing.

Minho: Anyone going to the dance tomorrow?

All: Me.

Jisung: You're going Y/N?

Y/N: Yuqi wants me to go and begged me to. So yes.

Hyunjin: Really!

Y/N: Yeah.

Hyunjin: You know its kinda a formal theme?

Y/N: Yes. I went to school. I saw all the banners and posters.

Yuqi: Plus i bought her a ticket already so she has to go.

Y/N: Yep

Changbin: We actually get to see Y/N in something completely different.

Hwall: You never wore a dress once you mov- before and showed your friends?

Y/N: Yeah.

Hwall: So you changed a lot since i've last seen you.

Y/N: Kinda.

Jisung got up from his seat and grabbed you.

Jisung: Excuse us.

Y/N: Sorry.

He takes you outside.

Y/N: What?

Jisung: I need to talk to you.

Y/N: Yeah go ahead.

Jisung: How do you know him?

Y/N: Who?

Jisung: Don't act dumb. I know you know who i'm talking about.

Y/N: Fine. Don't tell anyone. Hwall was my best friend in Busan. We haven't talked since i moved to Seoul and when I went home for the holidays we bumped into each other. We talked then, but he doesn't know how much i've changed.

Jisung: Why wont you tell everyone that.

Y/N: I don't know.

Jisung: You do know.

He walks back in and leaves you outside by yourself for a few minutes. You finally go back inside.

Y/N: You. Tell them.

Hwall: About what? Oh. Y/N and I were old friends. Best friends.

Yuqi: I kno-

Everyone else: Really?

Y/N: Yeah.

Hwall: She used to wear dresses all the time.

Y/N: Not all the time, but a lot.

Just Friends?// Yang Jeongin (I.N)Where stories live. Discover now