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I woke up to the sight of my white ceiling and the annoying sound of my alarm, I lazily got up to shut the sound and walked to my bathroom, I gently took my clothes off and turned on the cold shower. I thought about raymond as I washed my hair, why was he being so nice? He was still a douchebag to other students but he didn't get in my way, I shook off the thought and continued the shower. After the shower, I dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail.

  I ate my breakfast and waited for declan to come pick me up. His car pulled up to my house. I got into his car and kissed him before we drove off to . school. As soon as we walked through the school big doors people started whispering and staring.

 "can't they mind their own business?" I whispered, He kissed my forehead,  "well I guess your that beautiful , but I swear if that guy doesn't stop staring at you I'l beat the shit out of him" He replied. 

He pointed to a guy who was throwing heart eyes at me since I walked in 

"parking lot, afterschool"

 The guy looked terrified, well I would blame him. The last guy who got involved with declan after school ended up with a broken nose. I swiftly took the books I needed and me and declan walked to our first class,  english.  Our assigned seats were actually pretty far away from each other. I sat right next to raymond and surprisingly raymond smiled at me,  SMILED.  welp that's new but declan caught raymond smiling at me and kept on glaring at raymond.

 " sit with me ,baby please."  he whispered.  "you know I can't" I replied. i gave him a quick peck before I sat next raymond.

 Declan walked grouchily to his seat that was on the other side of the room  while muttering " mine, my girl, Bastard" he growled. Throughout the class declan was in a bad mood and all he did was glare at raymond


This is my first story to ever write. I hope you vote and like this :) my ships are decomi , parkomi and rayomi lol

question :

what is your number 1 ship on youtube? 

see you next time :))))

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