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they managed to sneak away from mrs choi, the snotty and lousy counselor's eyesight. yerim almost got caught because she was not in her right state. she wants to concentrate now, on sooyoung, but her mind won't allow her to. it's like the dream is a poison, poured in her mind and spread so fast like a bacteria. causing her to loose conscious and always lost in her own zone.

as they reached the rooftop, their secret hiding spot by using dangerous path —they had to use the old stairway which people think it's haunted, but seriously it was just them scaring people away so they won't find their port— sooyoung quickly pulls yerim to sit. she cups her small face in her palms, checking on every angle of her face to make sure she is the kim yerim she knows.

"i'm fine thank you for asking." yerim whispers blatantly, swiping away the older's hands. the latter chuckles, "alright sorry," then continues to look up the sky. thick clouds can be seen in various shape, covering them from the brightening light from the sun. "we missed three classes though." sooyoung announced, pulling her leggings clad legs to her chest as she wraps her arms around it.

when she got no response, she continues to create a small talk between them. attempt after attempt, she failed to get the answers she wants. yerim keeps replying with either simple nods of slow hums. it really bothers her knowing that her friend is thinking something but won't spit out anything. so she sighs audibly, purposely loud for yerim to hears. the smaller girl looks at her with quirky brows. "mind telling me what the fuck are you thinking now ?"

yerim bites her lower lip, contemplating weather or not she tells her what is she thinking. then, another audible sighs were heard from her own mouth. sooyoung is her bestest-test-test friend after all, why should she keeps a secret between them. that won't lead to a happy friendship in the end. "i'm okay if you still need times." the latter assures, smiling so warmly making her feel the guilt to keep the thing on her own.

"i have a dream while we were napping–"

"it's almost four hours, but i don't mind you labeled it as napping." sooyoung interrupts with a small laughter to brighten the mood. yerim laughs as well, slapping her arm playfully.

the evening goes on with yerim telling about her so-called dream and sooyoung giving unexpected reactions for thirty minutes. they might have skip four classes in total, but they surely don't want to skip science with mr kang being the professor. after the storytelling time, both of them rushes their way back to the hallway. they don't need to sneak anymore as people start flooding the hallway to change for their next subjects.

in science, yerim had been eager to meet jungkook. she wants to see him without proper reason. she just feels the need to see his pleasing smile, scrunched nose and fading scar. this might sounded like a creep, but she found a new interest in his scar. like in the dream, it was the only thing that proof her jungkook was not a man from his imagination.

then there he is, walking inside with his hoodie covering the cap over his head. he wore a black mask on his mouth, making her wonder if he is ill. she didn't tear off her gaze even after jungkook sit himself beside her. he seems a little down, like he is sad. but yerim can't tell if he really is sad. the black doe eyes tells nothing, shows no slight hint of his feelings right now.

"hey." she calls, he doesn't seem bother with her intense stare so she takes the initiative to greet him. except there was no answer from him. "jungkook." she tries again, but the mentioned refused to look at her. he hums instead of looking at her with his blank eyes and playful smirk. "you're alright ?"

yerim is not sure why she should care. seeing jungkook like this cause her to lost in her zone again. did he become like this after what happened last night ? but last night was beautiful —to her, despite jungkook being a total bitch— last night was flawless until the moment he sent her home. has she done something bad that makes jungkook to be this down ?

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