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[Presenting to you, taehyung and jimin's special appearance]

last night had been a disaster to yerim. she still can't get over the fact that jungkook had to accused her. now, she is in her room waiting for mr adam to call for her position in the ice cream shop. sooyoung had already left after preparing herself and yerim a fried rice. yerim promised to herself that she will do just fine without jungkook. she just had to keep herself busy and distracted.

she was cleaning the house when the bell keep on ringing, implying that whoever pressed it is furious. she put her broom aside, pulling her headscarf tighter before opening the door. her heart beats furiously when a sight of two policemen standing out the other side.

"are you miss kim yerim ?" the one with a glass ask and yerim replied with a nod. "we had a few questions regarding your relationship with victoria jung. are you familiar with this name ?" the same man ask again. yerim replies with a slow yes as she leads the two man inside.

both of them enter the apartment, their eyes are quick to scan around the place. "i am officer taehyung, and this officer jimin." the one with spectacle said, the other nods in agreement. "do you mind if i check around the house ?" jimin asked, not waiting for an approval as he starts walking further. yerim frowns at his action.

"yerim-ssi, i've been told that you and victoria is not in a good relationship with each other." taehyung states, sitting opposite yerim on the couch. "have you ever plan on killing her ? or at least pray for her to involve in any bad situations." yerim shakes her head. it is true that she hates victoria, but she never wants her in such situation. not gonna lie, she is a bit worry now.

"according to the report, miss victoria had an encounter with you before something tragic happened to her. may i know what type of conversation you both have." taehyung asks again, his pen in his hand, ready to jot down whatever yerim says. "to be honest, i twas not a really good one. she called me and my friend bad names." yerim explained, recalling the conversations yesterday.

"what names ?" the man asks again. "hoes. sooyoung replied by calling her swine." she declares. jimin came after, sitting himself beside taehyung. "all clear." he informs to taehyung. yerim was kinda speechless, did they expect her to keep something dangerous ?

"calling her swine was pretty mean." taehyung comments, his hand busy writing down the information. "she start it first." yerim clears her throat. "is that why she got all upset ?" jimin interrogates, peeking at taehyung's notes. "no. she said she wanted to check on me after i caught her with my boyfriend. i told her that at least my boyfriend wants me not because of his lust after she complimented his lips." yerim remarks clearly, usually people would be stuttering when they were to be interrogate instead.

"that was unnecessary, kim yerim." jimin states. yerim let's out a sarcastic laugh. "excuse me ? i think i had settled it like a professional instead of doing something to her. she started the fight so why am i the one who's been unnecessary, mr park ?" she retorts, crossing her arms over her chest. "look, victoria may be getting on my nerve sometimes- no, all the time, but i never wanted her to be harm. i never want her to be dead. why are you interrogating me like i'm the one who caused the accident ?" she garbles, shaking her head in disbelief.

"we never tell you victoria involves in an accident." taehyung interrupts, tilting his head slightly to the side. "my boyfrienf told me about this. oh my god people, do you all hate me that much ?" her patience are running low. last night was with jungkook and today is with these two unknown police officer. why does victoria gave off a huge impact anyway ? did she know how many people had been in trouble because of her.

"what's the injury anyway ?" yerim quests, her hands being placed gently by her side. "she had a mild concussion and almost lost her memory. our last record said that she was really upset while she was driving." taehyung explains, reading the document out loud. "why don't you go ask her parents instead, since they often fight." she announced, annoyed.

grabbing her ringing phone from her pocket, she excused herself to talk to the caller. after having a three minutes conversation with mr adam, yerim hung up and focus back on the two officer. "i'm sorry for being slightly rude, but i was telling the truth. if you excuse me, i gotta start working at 12." she got up after the both men did, leading them to the door.

"thank you for your time miss kim. however we might have further questions about miss victoria. if you have any information, do contact us." taehyung said, handing a small piece of card with his and jimin's number on it. she bows to both of them and close the door. multiply telling herself to calm down before getting ready to work.

yerim was glad that the ice cream shop is only a couple blocks away. even sooyoung did not ride the car as they decided to walk. it was cold and yerim wishes she put on thicker clothes. another thing that yerim would like to thank the universe is probably working there. she was content that everyone had already knew her, including mr adam himself.

"aye, good luck on your first day !" taeyong greets happily, offering a handshake. yerim takes his soft hand, returning her own charming smile. "do teach me things i don't know." she said, bowing down to her 'senior'. taeyong is in fact the same age as victoria, a year younger to yerim and sooyoung. he is an introvert, to what people said. even yerim was surprised to find out they went to the same high school, since they only met when the girls are getting ice cream.

the shop should only have four workers in total. off days are given once a week, and they were given different shifts. when two did opening, the other two do the closing. mr adam rarely visits this outlet, knowing how well the workers did their job. there had never been an issue.

"where did sooyoung work then ?" taeyong asks as there are no more customers on the queue. "at the clothing store up the streets. her workplace is slightly further than our apartment. i told her to use the car, but she refuse." yerim tells, gulping down the mineral water. it was quite a busy day.

"good evening everyone, i'm ready to burn some houses. follow me if you are too." sooyoung exclaims, coming from the door and straight away towards  yerim. the later laughs, "what about it ?" she asks, offering sooyoung a sit near the counter. "some people are really rude. retailing is a fun job until one of the customers start acting up."

and the evening goes on with sooyoung complaining her works as she waits for yerim to finish working. both of the refuse taeyong's offer to sent them home. she does not really complain about it, because even it was a bit of a stressful, she really had fun working there.

yerim did not tell her about the officer, she really don't want to make her worry. plus, it really was not that worrying. and yerim did manage to answer all of the questions truthfully. it is all fine now.

apologizing for the grammar error or typos,
i never actually re-check my writings

xytudd anyway shadow still haunt me,
if we didn't support it, we're not a
good army, but we're creating bigger
shadow by supporting them eye-

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