Chatper Twenty Six; PA

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**Brantley's P.O.V.**

"Mom would so yell at you if she saw this." I heard a male voice say. I brought my hand up to my face and rubbed one eye. I looked over to see Kolby standing there in Carter's room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked quietly not wanting to wake up Carter.

"Sarah called me to come over for breakfast. Which is done by the way so y'all need to get up." Kolby said causing Carter to stir a little.

"B shut up." Carter said and rolled over.

"Breakfast is done baby." I said to her and she didn't move.

"Kolby can see you naked." I said knowing it was mean but it would get her up.

Carter jumped up and wrapped the blanket around her.

"Why the hell am I naked!?" She yelled.

"You're not. Brantley's an ass." Kolby said trying not to laugh.

"Assholes. All of you." Carter said getting out of bed and taking the blanket with her.

"Put some damn clothes on." Kolby said and walked out of Carter's room. For the record I have boxers on I'm not naked. I rolled over so I was on my stomach and I grabbed my phone off the night stand just to look.

I was on twitter when I heard someone come in and then sit on my back.

"Come on lazy bones." Carter said sitting on my back.

"I don't wanna." I said locking my phone and dropping it on the bed.

"But I want you too." Carter said. I knew she was smiling.

"Only if you answer a question." I said.

"I can do that." Carter said now laying on my back. I could feel her lips on my ear but I have to control myself. I know she wants to wait and I really respect that.

"Why are you on my back?" I asked tilting my head so I could see her.

"Cause it's more effective then sitting beside you." Carter said with a smile. I smiled a rolled over making Carter fall off me.

"Well now you're not. Do I still have to get up?" I said propping myself up on my elbow.

"Yes you do. I answered your question." Carter said with her perfect smile. I shook my head and Carter got up and went over to her dresser. She pulled out a pair of pajama pants and slipped them on.

"Come on lazy." Carter said walking out of the room. I sighed and rolled out of Carter's bed putting my sweatpants back on and making my way downstairs. I smelled bacon and eggs which is weird cause Carter hates bacon but I wasn't complaining.

"Bout time lazy ass." Sarah said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah." I said waving my hand at her and sitting down beside Carter.

"I'm stealing Carter from you on Saturday. We're gonna have girls night here. Sit on the couch eat ice cream and watch Channing Tatum movies." Sarah said putting a plate of food in front of Kolby and then myself.

"I'm okay with that. One night won't kill me." I said looking at Sarah then at Carter.

"Actually Sarah. We're going to PA this weekend with Brantley and the band." Carter said to Sarah.

"Shit! That's better than Channing Tatum movies, but neither one of you drink though so I'll be lonely." Sarah said with a fake pout.

"You can chill with the band. They drink and they're nice guys you'll like em." I said looking over at Carter.

"Okay, wait I don't have to be stuck on a bus with a bunch of dudes right?" Sarah asked.

"A bunch of dudes plus you and Carter." I said pointing from Sarah to Carter.

"So bro, when were you going to tell me about PA?" Kolby asked.

"Right now. You gonna tag along?" I asked him.

"Might as well. Won't have no one here to keep me company." Kolby said like it was just a second choice.

"Alright then. We leave Thursday. It's a two day show Friday and Saturday." I said filling everyone in on things.

"Sleeping?" Sarah asked.

"Everyone has there own bunks." I said.

"Well we all know you and Carter are gonna share a bunk." Kolby said and Carter smiled at me.

"Anyone can share a bunk if they want too. No judging." I said looking over at Carter knowing she knew what I meant.

"So like do we have to stay at the bus or can we explore?" Carter asked.

"We can pretty much do whatever the hell we want." I said with a smirk.

"As much as I'm enjoyin all this I got stuff to do today." Kolby said getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

"Like what?" Sarah questioned.

"I got plans with the guys." Kolby said.

"Can I tag along?" Sarah asked.

"I don't give a shit. I gotta go by mamas first. So if you don't care about that. Them come on." Kolby said. I looked over at Carter and raised an eyebrow and she shook her head no.

"Let me put real pants on. I'll meet you at your truck." Sarah said getting up and running upstairs.

"So kolb, you and Sarah?" I asked earning a smack on the arm from Carter.

"No way bro. She's your age; no offense Carter. I'm not into older chicks that I could maybe possible one day have a thing with. Not that I'd ever have a thing with Sarah." Kolby said trying to nicely object to his brother.

"I was kidding dude. I'll see you later." I said shaking my head at him.

"See ya bro." Kolby said. He walked by Carter giving her a kiss on the top of the head and walking out the door. If he wasn't my brother I'd've been pissed.

"Bye! See y'all later." Sarah yelled running out the door.

"So what are we doing today?" Carter asked grabbing the plates to do the dishes.

"We are going to meet Ben and bring him here so those two can pre-meet each other before Thursday." I said going over to Carter to help with the dishes.

"That is a good idea but will Ben like that you're trying to play match maker?" Carter asked.

"We just won't tell him that part. You know what. I'll got an idea. I'm gonna go to my place and change clothes. I'll call you with the details." I said giving Carter a quick kiss on the lips and leaving the house.

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