Chapter 4: Found

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It had been a few days since Branch found out someone was abusing Poppy. He knew the she wouldn't be able to last very long but he also promised to not pressure her into saying anything. And he kept his promise.

One day Branch was working in his bunker when he heard arguing outside. He left his bunker to go investigate. He heard Poppy's voice and another males. Was that...? No, it couldn't be. Branch walked closer to the voices. "Creek?!"

The two arguing trolls looked around to him. Poppy was crying and Creek was angry but turned a little scared when he saw Branch. "Mate! What are you doing here?" Creek asked trying to act all innocent.

"You've been hurting Poppy?" Branch asked in disbelief. "Well not really, just...teaching her a lesson." Creek smirked. "What is WRONG with you?!" Branch shouted as he walked closer to the English accent troll.

"Now, now Branch! No need to get all grumpy." Creek tried while laughing nervously. But Branch wasn't having it. "Poppy, come here." Poppy immediately did what she was told and started to walk towards him. But Creek stopped her.

"I think she'll stay right here." Creek gave an evil smile. Branch was furious. "How you could? Poppy loves you! I don't understand why or how but she does. She deserves the best and you're not giving it to her." Branch said as he walked closer to Creek. He jumped in between him and Poppy.

"Poppy. Get somewhere safe, I'll handle Creek." Branch said firmly. Poppy listened to him and ran back to her pod. "All right creep. Let's do this."

Sorry the chapters are short, I'm having bad writers block. This story might not be very long but I'll try my best. 

I don't like leaving a story uncompleted. 

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